times running out get your vote in…
I’ve got a great idea… why dont we all play planetside2
I mean, its awesome, everybody plays it, like its such a cool game, and they are just begging me to play with bonus XP weekends almost EVERY weekend!
If you cant tell I am being sarcastic.
My suggestion seriously is either Chivalry or Ravaged…
NBA2K13… now that would be cool
(or if someone can help me figure out hamatchi, NHL09)
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times running out get your
times running out get your vote in…
i know
I’ve got a great idea… why dont we all play planetside2
I mean, its awesome, everybody plays it, like its such a cool game, and they are just begging me to play with bonus XP weekends almost EVERY weekend!
If you cant tell I am being sarcastic.
My suggestion seriously is either Chivalry or Ravaged…
NBA2K13… now that would be cool
(or if someone can help me figure out hamatchi, NHL09)
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