Who here has Battlefield 4 ?

Tripsicle98's picture
13% (1 vote)
88% (7 votes)
I would get it if everyone else played ?
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 8


Sha8doW's picture


The game is buggy, broken and cash grab model!
People who were die hard for it have even stopped playing it…

You should try payday2

Somtin's picture


Yeah I’ve heard nothing but bad things about that game.

Robag's picture

I can't say

after all the problems there were with BF3
I can’t say I will be getting this one
I really won’t support EA on releasing a bug filled game on day one…….


Sha8doW's picture

Ro's comment

Captures my thoughts exactly!

The EA culture of pushing out unfinished games full of bugs, then lumping “premium“content which should be on disc content and crazy prices for DLC which is lack luster! “Premium” = pay to win or just outrageous crash grabs where the DLC cost more than the game!

And if they ask me why I won’t play it, I’ll just tell them “I’m unsure, something went wrong”

linuxslacker's picture

the biggest bug is....

the biggest bug is still no linux version so im definitely a no

I do

But I prefer Payday 2 and it cost me $40 less

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