3 Stars for IPX vs paC

33% (2 votes)
17% (1 vote)
0% (0 votes)
17% (1 vote)
33% (2 votes)
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 6


Fuzz's picture

gg everyone. We weren’t

gg everyone. We weren’t far off at all.

Unfortunately that brings our season to a close finishing in 5th or 6th place (depending how you look at it – I look at it as 5th place given we lost legitimately, whereas MaD had a forfeit imposed on them).

I really hope there’s a second season – I’ve enjoyed this one a lot more than I expected to and we’re starting to see definite improvements.

Even though the seasons over we can still organise games against other teams. Anyone in the gaming team interested in playing a specific team feel free to contact them and create a page here as per usual. I’m thinking games against tW (once they win the ladder), Di, and Skullz. I know we get ripped to pieces by Skullz, but I always learn something – they really seem like they want to help teams get better which I really respect.

Regular practices will continue every Tuesday. As usual make sure you mark your attendance HERE if you can’t make it any week or you will be marked as absent without prior notice and risk suspensions etc etc etc

Fuzz's picture


Forgot to mention – BIG thanks to Luckless for playing last night. He was one of the good ones who gave us plenty of notice that he wouldn’t be available, but when we were still short on numbers nearing start time he suited up and played. Many thanks.

Hashy's picture

Thanks all for our

Thanks all for our participation.

I must sorely apologise for some of my in game behavior over the VOIP. I tend to get rowdy in situations like those and I just didn’t control myself as well as I could have. =(

We did good all. But it is as I have said for a fair while now. One of our biggest issues is the aiming. We’ve got the objectives to a satisfactory level, there we mostly need to work on our timing and defense of team mates on the objectives, but still, you do not win many games with a team average accuracy of opens calculator 27.9333*. That is not much better then 25%, or 1 in 4 hits.

All i’m suggesting is that in any future training sessions, we put some more focus on the basic tactics, like aiming, dodging and covering.

All in all I have seen an improvement in our game since we started training a bit more. An improvement is good, but I know we can top that easily =p

I didn’t enjoy the ladder to begin with, but I have enjoyed it much more lately. We started to take it seriously, but while we did, we still didn’t kill all of the fun hehe.

I would love us to maintain this level or better of professionalism, but also return more to our old ethic of fun gaming =)

Thanks for an interesting competition everybody, if we got any suggestions on how the ladder setup could be improved then by all means get them written down and get them heard! =)

Also thanks Luckless for your help last night, glad you could make it in the end =D


Fuzz's picture


Hey just out of interest – what would you say we should be aiming for in terms of accuracy %‘s?

Skullz is probably the benchmark I guess – they seem to be mid to high 30’s on the top end, but with players like zerp having exactly the same accuracy as me (just a heap better k/d ratio).


ltmon's picture

Apples to Apples

I would assess accuracy of us and the other clans based purely on lacerator and assault rifle.

Otherwise the stats are skewed by those who use a lot of heavy weapons, vehicles, air strikes, arty etc.

Assault rifle:


On those stats they are about 5% above us on average.

I think you’ll find that more difference comes from the fact that 90% of their hits are headshots, where 90% of our hits are body shots. It’s a massive difference to headshot in this game, more so than W:ET I would judge.

Sha8doW's picture


unlucky boys, nice try

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