IPX vs MaD Blue - GA Season 2 Match 9 - 3 Stars

Sha8doW's picture
29% (2 votes)
0% (0 votes)
57% (4 votes)
0% (0 votes)
14% (1 vote)
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 7


Sha8doW's picture


For the final plant which wasn’t disarmed!

ltmon's picture


The highest point of our game ;)

Or you could vote for me for raging


kazozza for trying to rail gun my trojan

HarassmentPanda's picture

Still pissed I missed it

& really disappointed being the last match of the season. Read the write up in GA – sounds like our IPX server is more reliable ;-)

ltmon's picture

So all IPX know...

I’ve posted on MaD forums to get a regular scrim going. I’ve suggested every second Tuesday, we’ll wait and see what suits MaD though.


Fuzz's picture


Oz is making a late run for Season 2’s MVP!!

Kazozza's picture

10th spot, at least we're on there!

Wow, I’m in the lead. Thanks guys. That was my first and last game of the season! That damn tank had us all, I couldn’t help but rail it once!

I reckon a regular scrim against MaD is a great idea, we can learn a lot from taking on those guys!

That plant was my crowning glory, even if it was ever so brief…


Sha8doW's picture

sorry to burst the bubble but...

we’ve had an incorrect number of vvvvvotes…
its a tie, sorry oz

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