Agree Hard ch0ice, Ltmon f0r the quick leadership take 0ver fr0m Blood wh0 went h0use hunting 0r Kraizen f0r the walk thr0ugh strats
I gave mine t0 LT f0r his dedicati0n whitch resulted in a n0se bleed (U really sh0uld st0p wearing that IPX jumper when its h0t LT hehehheehe)
but an easy sec0nd t0 Kraizen f0r his supp0rt…..
w/d guys. Just in case anyone didn’t know – Blood not being there – he let me know in the afternoon he may not be there as he was putting an offer on a house and dealing with that. He’d hoped to be back in time, but wasn’t sure. I passed this onto the match organiser Shad, so I wouldn’t call it AWOL, more just unable to make it. Cheers to Lt for stepping up under the circumstances.
We didn’t get that quite clear before the match so we made an executive decision, amongst those who were online, that we would progress without Blood. Ltmon got the nomination and was whisked away in to following through on the strats he had spent the hour walking us all through.
If we do get a chance to do pre-match warm ups like this (which I think really helped) we should work on the theory that we use that team as much as possible, like we did last night.
We should implement a 3 stars bonus svalbard scheme.
Wd again boys. Lt much appreciated that you stepped in in our hour of need. and to our two new stars BBQ and Kraizen. your 1 from 1 with a 100% win avg!
and not to mention our staple players HP, Robag and n0mad! great effort
well done all round. youve made IPX proud
(i did tell the fellas, through my tech problems about bloods foray into the housing market)
Hard choice
HP for awesome sniping and n0mad for rocket launcher perfection (ok… marred by one incident), but kraizen got my vote for just sheer killing ability.
The demos should be fun to watch, hopefully I get a chance to sample some today.
Agree Hard ch0ice, Ltmon f0r the quick leadership take 0ver fr0m Blood wh0 went h0use hunting 0r Kraizen f0r the walk thr0ugh strats
I gave mine t0 LT f0r his dedicati0n whitch resulted in a n0se bleed (U really sh0uld st0p wearing that IPX jumper when its h0t LT hehehheehe)
but an easy sec0nd t0 Kraizen f0r his supp0rt…..
Great w0rk Team…………..
w/d guys. Just in case anyone didn’t know – Blood not being there – he let me know in the afternoon he may not be there as he was putting an offer on a house and dealing with that. He’d hoped to be back in time, but wasn’t sure. I passed this onto the match organiser Shad, so I wouldn’t call it AWOL, more just unable to make it. Cheers to Lt for stepping up under the circumstances.
Revised AWOL
I have revised my c0mments t0 h0use hunting, n0 0ffence bl00d….
Als0 can I say a special menti0n t0 Hashy wh0 stuck ar0und as backup Sub 0n the night…..
Alert & n0w alarmed
OK Cool
We didn’t get that quite clear before the match so we made an executive decision, amongst those who were online, that we would progress without Blood. Ltmon got the nomination and was whisked away in to following through on the strats he had spent the hour walking us all through.
If we do get a chance to do pre-match warm ups like this (which I think really helped) we should work on the theory that we use that team as much as possible, like we did last night.
You all Deserve
a swift kick in the….
We should implement a 3 stars bonus svalbard scheme.
Wd again boys. Lt much appreciated that you stepped in in our hour of need. and to our two new stars BBQ and Kraizen. your 1 from 1 with a 100% win avg!
and not to mention our staple players HP, Robag and n0mad! great effort
well done all round. youve made IPX proud
(i did tell the fellas, through my tech problems about bloods foray into the housing market)
Really good work guys
No worries n0mad.
Sorry i couldnt make its but thanks for taking over Lt.
Really good work a great way to start off our season.
Courtesy of ADA:
Wow Ltmon
way cool site
Big thanks
Big thanks to ADA for the stats
and IPX players of course for putting in the effort
I vote LTmon for the quick stepup to CiC.
Second to everyone else for the great support, and bbq for the target that he provided ADA while I was busy shooting engies :)
Good work guys!
I missed out on a great game. =[
Can’t wait to join you guys, I think I am coming back mid February.
Cant wait Johnny
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