3 Stars - IPX vs nVs - GA S4G2

Sha8doW's picture
0% (0 votes)
17% (1 vote)
33% (2 votes)
33% (2 votes)
0% (0 votes)
0% (0 votes)
17% (1 vote)
Total votes: 6


Sha8doW's picture

Please vote on top playrz of the match

Playing players only to vote please

Fuzz's picture

GA Write up

wonder how long til they do their GA write up… waiting

n0mad's picture

Limited Stats

0nly Stats I can find is this limited 1 the 0ther is Zer000000sss


Really liked 0ur g0ing d0wn in a blaze 0f gl0ry strat :P

Blaze of Glory

We need to work on that strat ftw :D

We actually held them for 4 minutes on the build of bridge with no planning :D

*next post on forums
“Violators are too powerful. Please nerf them.” :D

HarassmentPanda's picture


That was the most fun amount of mockery that we have had. It was admittedly stupid but it worked a treat. Although it didn’t work so well on the following stages. envious certainly had us pinned down with the plasma mortar on the last 2 objectives. Would be worth while some one getting some prac with that. Perhaps we should setup a session with the bots and try holding them off without using any assault rifles and only the arty, mines and turrets?

Sha8doW's picture

sounds like a plan

thats a good idea panda

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