vote for 3 stars for IPX vs ADA - GA Season 4 Match 5 18/2/09

chipper's picture
50% (3 votes)
0% (0 votes)
0% (0 votes)
0% (0 votes)
0% (0 votes)
50% (3 votes)
Total votes: 6


chipper's picture

tough call

tough call considering everyone played so well. gave my vote to kraizen for the excellent effort he did pulling us together and directing the play. great effort and we don’t like to make that job to easy for you ;) keep it up!!!

Fuzz's picture

3 star votes

Reminder – 3 star votes are only for those that played. Once everyone that played votes, the creator of the vote (or anyone with permission… which I think is all of you) close the vote. Then the number of votes each person gets go towards their 3 star ratings for the season.

chipper's picture

1 week

i think i set it to close in 1 week… so get your votes in by then

Fuzz's picture

ah yes good point chip.

ah yes good point chip. Forgot you can set them to autoclose

2 more days :D

2 more days, I’ll be back into the force. :D

willow's picture

Right stuff

Having served 5years in a regular army infantry regiment section attacks is a familiarity whereby its success/failure rests on tactics chosen by the section commander. Then again it also comes down to each individual being able to execute their given role to contribute to the success of the mission.

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

On the day all players did what was required to achieve objective completion.

Kraizen however played a major role in co-ordinating attack/defence tactics that resulted in success so he gets my vote.

As for myself last week when we played (E) i did not realise till Tues prac this week that i had not activated my fire team chat. Communication is everything and i apologise for that. At the time i was wondering while i had my headset on, kraiky everyone seems so serious and quiet lol. I could only hear global voice chat….does padman use voip? :P

n0mad's picture

Padman Mumble

Padman and other non Voip games we use Mumble
Follow the steps here within;


Chipper got my vote for

Chipper got my vote for rambo medic :)

Cheers mate :)

Thanks for listening to me and trying out my ideas, this victory was definiately a team effort, and everyone performed admirably. We coordinated, pushed together, watched each others backs. WD IPX.

Just found out last night on the pubs that the ADA completely focused the majority of their vent chatter on myself. Explains why there was always someone shooting at me ;(

Don’t know whether or not to believe them :)

Waiting with open arms I am Johnny > (^ . ^) <, by god i’ve missed saying redrum :D


Hashy's picture

Good Work

GW Smashin’ them fellas >=)

Sha8doW's picture


was interstate suffering web withdrawals…
i must say this was high on my thoughts!

Well done, congrats

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