Cybergamer Jet Ladder

Morning all,

Cybergamer have started a 1v1 jet ladder if anyone is interested. Fishey and I have both entered (against each other)

This is the forum thread about it

This is the ladder info


made a comp page for you.

Has nothing to do with the Slavbards……
Just like to keep it neat and tidy……

Thanks Matt

Im sure the svalbards didnt cross your mind.

Still only Fishey and I enrolled in this ladder.

1 Match last night Fishey vs me. I won it 7-0. Would love to see some more IPXers in this ladders. Fishey and I are thinking about doing some prac and would be able to include anyone else who wanted to have a go at it.

Sha8doW's picture

If I had

A joystick, you wouldn’t stand a chance!

This comp is an interesting concept and worth expanding on…
The whole jet thing is done poorly in the game in my opinion! It would be cool if the gane could be modded to aupport a comp which was 2v2 or 4v4 it would make for interesting battles. Of they could include point based stationary/ground based targets which are worth tickets/points it would add a dynamic to the game which requires more awareness and coordination then just 2 planes boringly spiraling to get behind each other “a la Red Baron” with the advent of more planes it would really make for some air superiority battles!
Also of they made the planes 2man fighters it would be even more interesting!

Equip them harpoons and tow cables and bring down them AT-AT Walkers!

tow cables!!

hell yes, F15 style combat would be sweeet!, guided bombs would come into play as they would in real combat scenarios.

Seriously though I agree 1v1 jets is an endless WWI style battle, if there were 2v2 or even 4v4 available that would make for a far more dynamic and fast paced game

Fuzz's picture

Wait a minute...

Did you just speak ill of Red Baron?

Why get behind the guy when you can collide head on with him? Much faster.

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