gaming network card

yo… thinking of ways to combat latency whether through having ISP turn off interleaving on my DSL port or something else I found this, anyone got an opinion on these… ??



don’t know to much about these, but i did read an article saying these were next to useless. I turned my interleaving off and it did seem to help with my ping a little. If this is to try to combat the latency in bf3 you might be fighting a loosing battle, we all get it, its the way bf games deal with it client side, getting hit round corners is part of the game.


If your looking to lower ping, wasting your time there. Most on board network is as good as any card these days. The only time you would notice is across LAN and you would need a good card on the other end and good cable… Even then it would be a small difference. The only thing you can do to combat it is, move closer to a telephone exchange or move to an area with fiber.


yeah what I expected.. at the end of the day QoS only works during times of congestion, you can only impact the order of packets uploaded to the internet, and once they leave your router/modem there’s nothing that can be done.

The card suggested it bypassed the windows TCP/IP stack, but then it only implements this itself anyway…. hardly gonna be faster than the Intel CPU

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