Hello From Earth

Hashy's picture

Kev did this, check it.


They wont approve my message, they don’t want anybody who might be out there to know ITS A TRAP, GIANT NET INFRONT OF THE DEATHSTAR TO CAPTURE THE LOBSTER ADMIRAL!!!


Robag's picture

owww this

looks like fun Hashy

i guess it is cheaper than try to send an sms
zomg look at my moblie bill lol

Sha8doW's picture

Consider those bastards served!

Greetings and Hello from Earth.

“You’ve been served…. Bitch”

I represent the numerous “Anally Probed” People and “inverted” Cows of the Planet Earth in a class action suit against your entire planet.
Each Person/Cow whom has been violated should be compensated with $1,000,000.00 Svalbards and a Helicopter
We also demand that you provide us with schematics and working versions of your “faster then light speed” and “Ray Gun” technology, otherwise, we will see you in intergalactic court (AKA Judge Judy).

Also, if you have the details for a flux capacitor… We want that too, you anal probing bastards!

Mr Sha8doW
Wanna-be-Attorney at Intergalactic Law.

Sha8doW's picture

wow, it worked....

Our demands have been met

However I am very sorry to learn the sad truth….
Fuzz was (as he is not an inverted cow) obviously anal probed many years ago!

Dont believe me? Why else would he have recieved 1,000,000.00 Svalbards!?
I think he is now offering joy flights in his helicopter too!

Fuzz, If this is wrong, and you’d like me to look into fixing the Svalbard transfer error, I think the only way to fully clear this up would be to get your ass on IRC/Mumble more!

(Glad I could be of service in getting you some sort of justice….)

Fuzz's picture


1,000,000.00 Svalbards!

Fuzz, If this is wrong, and you’d like me to look into fixing the Svalbard transfer error

Hmm… I feel like that NZ guy who had millions of dollars transferred into his account by mistake. And like him, I sure as hell ain’t gonna get it fixed, I’m going on the run! Catch me if you can suckers!

Last seen choppering his way to Svalbard.

Sha8doW's picture

wise guy huh?

But, unlike that money… These Svalbards are a ticking time bomb ;)

They will self distruct on the 1/9/2009, blowing your probed ass up, unless you get your probed ass in mumble/IRC!

Fuzz's picture


heh, I’ll have gambled it all away well before then…. feel sorry for whoever wins that bet :)

I’ll be in IRC during the day tomorrow and Friday – and should be on Friday night for a game of anything (but L4D). ET:W on the new IPX server I’ve been hearing so much about?

Robag's picture

I say we all get W:ET

owww Robag
can see an offical ipx challenge being placed on the TEAMIPX Calendar
Robag looks at Fuzz :)


Sha8doW's picture


With an ET:W game, we might get a showing from peeps such as Kazashi, Hashy and Kazozza?

reckon you can make some calls fuzz?



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