Counter-Lobbyism and Good Shame
The lobbyist, anti controversial computer game organizations have taken fire now at Modern Warfare 2, over a scene in the game going through an airport, shooting unarmed civilians from a terrorist perspective. That’s right folks! A busy time of year for video games makes for good business for the OFLC and parent groups eager to protect young adults from their obvious own lack of self consciousness, making it perfect justification to take their freedom of choice away, excellent, truly excellent!
truly bullsh!t.
When there are active groups such as these that’s soul purpose is to restrain and reduce other peoples freedoms because they are incapable themselves of maintaining control over their own children and consequently a small number of related accident occur,it is only really one thing; A panicked initial response. Be that as it is yes, at times it is necessary, they didn’t know how to deal with things when first person shooting games first became so popular, nor did they know how to deal with things during the events of 9/11, in good hindsight, those initial decisions, laws, rules, ect, put into place, should PROPERLY be reviewed and revised. Times change OFLC, we grew up, why cant you?
(more text missing thanks to to the voidspace in my mind..)
In lighter news;,28348,26280838-5014239,00.html
New host for good game! What A nice surprise that was, firing up Good Game on ABC Iview this last week too see that they had replaced one of the main hosts, Bajo, with a real girl, Hex. Okok, I was hoping they would get rid of Bajo, instead they got rid of the other main lead, Jeremy “Junglist” Ray.. Just in a.. Reshuffle to liven the show up again, you know?
Well ok that’s fine enough with me, however when watching they show, being lied to through the teeth then finding out later is just BULLSH!T. You don’t say on show, Junglist is just taking a spot behind the scenes, but he will still be with us. Then days later make it known he was let go for “behind the scenes problems.” Intentionally confusing to use those similar wordings, behind the scenes. Just bullsh!t. Normally i’m with ya ABC, but in this case, Screw Good Game, and ABC smells like Norway.
I say
Bring on Hex
Agree Totally!
Stupid bloody Politically Correct bullsh!t
What’s this world coming too?
I'll try to watch next week.... I'll try....
Saw the episode of Good Game where they replaced Junglist, and I was left shaking my head. Maybe it’s because they have a new character to introduce and want to leave a “cool” impression, but the Hex character came across as a bit of a jerk. Actually, it reminded me of when The Itchy & Scratchy Show had Poochie inserted into the group, and they tried so hard to make him appeal to everyone. Not to say that’s what Hex is actually like, but that’s the role they’ve thrust her into.
Part of the appeal of Good Game was the combination of Jung and Bajo; one was a relatively straight person, the other a little bit of a monkey. A child-like enthusiasm tempered by mature wisdom. You don’t have to look too far into media history to see how well that contrasting combination works. What the ABC has done now is to give us two little monkeys with child-like enthusiasm, but nobody to temper the feces-hurling. It might not have been such a blow if Bajo had been replaced, but that’s academic.
The ABC did handle this poorly, they don’t care as long as they pull off the better ratings they cross their fingers for. If not, they’ll cook up some other reason for the show falling through.
What a croc
sif change junglist
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