IPX TreX - 2010-2011-2012 Apocalyptic Outdoor W/LAN Party ZOMG

Hashy's picture



who’s the culprit? cmon, pwn upto it….

So I thought that, planning a trek for quiet a while in advance, we would be able to get a larger number of participants, especially from the further reaches of where the Trek could be. Later 2010 might still be abit too “shorter notice”, so maybe a more realistic target for say, a good season next year, or mid 2012.
Some of you may already realize that, depending on the remoteness of our chosen trekking location, the extra luggage of a laptop over the standard necessary trekking gear might be somewhat of an over encumbrance.. Hey, little netbooks should be just fine for Padman and maybe W:ET!

But still, the priority is the trek, and EVERYBODY is welcome to participate by attending, helping to plan, or whatever! =)

Things to consider..

* Location. Accessibility, Camping Sites & Costs to stay
*Costs. Equipment, Travel, Pizza…dehydrated.. of course.. =p
*Equipment. Trekking Gear!!!!
*Logistics. Metal boxes with 4 rounded strips of tree sap extract.

Google Earth is your friend. And your enemy. And.. you know, the guy with all of your banking details.


Fuzz's picture


… I’m pretty sure that was us…. where was it? Looks like one of the caves from one of the treks / geocaching expeditions.

I’d be interested as long as it’s not too far. Last one was good. Few km’s worth of walking into the middle of nowhere. I’m thinking we don’t need to dismantle a bbq and carry it in our packs this time… that was heavy up those steep steep hills.


Robag's picture

owwww an IPX Trek

i am guessing it in is NSW some where
the kids have school holidays from 7/4/2010 to the 27/04/2010

but i would like to come


Microman's picture


I reckon I can make it. Time it with University, even better… Will save up for it :-)

n0mad's picture

n0mad's In

B great 2 get 0ut 0f the h0use……..

Maybe a base camp with a trek fr0m there ?

Hopefully driving distance fr0m VIC ?
I w0uld be happy t0 drive there if Kraizen or Ltmon wanted 2 tag al0ng as navagat0r ?

H0w ab0ut batemans bay ?


Hashy's picture



whatever the central/closest suitable location is to where the people express interest in the Trek, I think that would be the most logical solution.

Idea of Batemans Bay area is good. Pretty central to lots of us. There will be a varying degree of fitness in the team, so we also don’t really want to choose a site where we have to carry all our gear from a parking area, 10km into a camping site. 2km maybe maximum from parking area, which can still be quiet a way for some, especially over undulating terrain, however we are a Team, and we will work things out together and get it sorted fairly =p

Side note.. When it comes to camping gear.. A sleeping bag is more then enough to keep you warm, a tent is mostly just to keep you safe from insects. Shad and I both know quiet well, you don’t want to be setting up ANYWHERE near a Bull Ant’s nest, or, if you do, you really want to be wearing lead pants.. =|
If its gonna rain, and there’s no caves around, well, you will then discover one of the other main uses for a tent, however I just find them bulky, ugly, and just get in the way, for me. If you can work around them, all the better, but keep in mind that its primary function is to protect you from insects. I wouldn’t mind finding a sleeping bag that’s waterproof, and can be fully zipped up at the top end, with like a fly screen mesh around it, so you can still breathe, still let out plenty of heat building up in the bag so you don’t cook, but are protected from those little buggers! There really are lots of options out there for camping, all the bits and pieces, but you really want to keep it “LIGHT”. All the water you need to carry and the space it takes is the real killer.

Sorry guys.. Just came outta a delirious sleep.. Fevers rock! =D

Sha8doW's picture


Im still down for an IPX Ice Adventure (snow trip) or even a Road trip to a “DINE IN PIZZA HUT” (there is one somewhere between brisvegas and bundaberg) I can supply the vehicle with 4 other seats

other idea is, i have free access to a place down at narooma (south of batemans bay) amenities, beds etc and no need for tents – We just gotta keep the sucker clean

I’ll just have to make sure I pay my fair with the Misses and give her plenty of notice.

(PS yeah i think that was us, i think i did that with the broken pen… squeezed out the ink and tattooed it up! (im surprised its lasted to tell the truth…) )

oh and i hear Fuzz was organising Hockey!

Kazashi's picture


Oh! Oh! I can answer that one!

Orange has a dine-in Pizza Hut!

It was packed out when we visited on a Saturday night, but there is an honest to God dine-in Pizza Hut in NSW, complete with all you can eat buffet (didn’t notice if they had the dessert machine). And only 3 1/2 hours from Sydney (or 1 1/2 for me). If people really want to, they can camp out in my backyard, there’s plenty of room. Or I can see if the in-laws will let us stay on their property at the lake.

Fuzz's picture


Where was it again… have a feeling it was at one of the greens pde caches… but if that’s the case, what’s Hashy doing down there… Interesting.

I love the idea of an actual LAN with all of us originals + new guys. A holiday house like that would be perfect for that.

(Sounds like we could be doing both a LAN and a trek, separate times).

Hockey… brothers checking dates with hockey guy.


Sha8doW's picture

bam chu bam bam (make love down by the fire music)

/me looks lovingly at Kazashi

“wait for me… at the lake house”

Sha8doW's picture


im taking the punt its near nice views, down the bottom, to the south.

I’ll lol at the LAN, it’ll be like the old days where, no one is organised and we spend more time trying to set up peoples computers, copying copies of games, trying to deal with peoples PC’s whom wont connect, or stopping viruses from Kazozza’s hentai (so i just sit back, listen to some Jazzy Jamiroquai and leach porn off all you suckas PCs!)
If someones got a copy of Net1… I’m in!

Road trip!

Robag's picture

Road Trip Road Trip

I am, happy to take my car to…
NSW Coast or QLD both Good For Me.
owww LAN I am So there.
/Robag removes back seats from car inserts gear needed for LAN

Switches Check
Routers Check
NAS Server Check
Spiders web of Lan cables and WiFi access point Check
p0rn not need Shad will be there lolz :)


Sha8doW's picture


Anyone for a Road Trip to the mana bar

Owend by Yahtzee from zero-punctuation fame