Regenrating. Ill Be In My Alcove!

Hashy's picture


just s0 y0u guys kn0w, I’m near a crest p0int, t0 use s0me r0ad termin0l0gy I guess, in the new directi0n I am taking in my life at the m0ment. I need a bit 0f space f0r a few days, need t0 re-balance my sleeping cycle and center myself 0nce again.

I’ll be in s0me semi-deep meditati0n, sh0uldnt be m0re then a week. I sh0uld be c0ntactable if there is an emergency which requires my presence/attenti0n.

“I’ll be back.” t0 make a qu0te.. =p

Kinda fits with the bl0g title… umm.. “Resistance is futile”… hmm.. a bit better.

I’ll be enj0ying as much silence as I p0ssibly can, s0me ass0rted incense (Lavendar, Frangipani, Dragons Blood, Dragons Puff, and Vanilla.)

Maybe s0me music t00… Except I just m0ved..haha.. My PS3, and my DVD player 0ut 0f the r00m permanent.. Maybe I will tune int0 the beats 0f the ebb and fl0w 0f the universe.

Either way, see y’all in a few days 0r s0.

Peace. =)


Robag's picture

take care

Hashy c u on the flip side good man


willow's picture


Peace be with you and see you around soon :)

n0mad's picture



C U s00n br0……………..


Sha8doW's picture


Wish I had the tine for the same!

Microman's picture

Good Luck!

Hope you have a great time, and achieve what you want to achieve.

Hashy's picture

The Time..

heck shad, I d0n’t even have the time f0r this right n0w. I’ve g0t the d0ct0rs this evenin’, Centrelink t0m0rr0w, then I’m supp0sed t0 be g0ing d0wn and staying at my sisters this weekend. n0 time f0r different reas0ns, but 0ne is intenti0nal, the 0ther is n0t. y0u are given n0 time in y0ur w0rking life, t0 keep y0u distracted fr0m s0mething. What that is, f0r y0u, I cann0t say. I’ve had t00 much spare time, and 0verplanned lately, which is g00d, but I need my 48 h0urs regenerating infr0nt 0f a fire ( 0r atleast a candle..0r..10 candles..hah)

Thanks all f0r the kind replies.. I am getting myself back int0 balance sl0wly inthe time I have between tasks, and will s00n have my pr0per Zen Fl0ating R0cks & “OMMMM, like, deep man” time, then I will be ready and able t0 serve the Team t0 the best 0f my capabilities.

mmmmm Vanillia!

Peace. =)

Hashy's picture

rem0ved the black b0x 0f Distracti0n

0h, and I rem0ved the big black b0× 0f distracti0ns fr0m my r00m.. The TV, and the smaller, super black rectangle 0f t00 many ch0ices (the PS3), and my DVD/Divx players aswell. They (barring the 0ld TV) n0w live d0wnstairs with the big TV where it bel0ngs.. In true Hi-Def.

g0ing t0 get a HDTV Tuner Card f0r my PC, as well as a WiFi Card f0r the PC as well (wireless g + m0re). I need s0me suggesti0ns f0r this, and I hear the Lt is g00d with such matters. I had a l00k at and c0uld get b0th f0r less then $100 0r s0 I reck0n. I wanna be able t0 capture th0se evil frequencies that I have n0 ch0ice as t0 have br0adcast thr0ugh my head. If they can d0 that, then I have the right t0 capture them and analyze what they are d0ing… ;p


n0mad's picture

TV Tuner

Hashy checkout my details Here

So far my testing sh0ws an internal PCI TV Tuner card is al0t sm00ther als0 when it c0mes t0 changing channels.

I w0uld theref0re rec0mmend any Winfast PCI TV Tuner Card, Great s0ftware 0ut 0f the b0x….


Hashy's picture

Late Monday..

I will begin my extended meditati0n sessi0n late Monday.. T00 much stuff in the way until then. Colonel C’links t0mrr0w (Centrelink),h0use sitting f0r s0meb0dy because a Plumber is c0mming t0 fix taps, Padman t0m0rr0w night, stayin at my sisters this weekend, and w0rld cup early m0nday m0rning. s0 ab0uts late m0nday until Wednesday-Thursday next week, ill be MIA f0r abit, but still reachable if there’s an emergency situati0n.

n0mad, s0unds g00d, I have a spare PCI-e sl0t, any reas0ns n0t t0 use that f0r my Tuner? s0me are PCI, s0me are PCI-e, was g0nna g0 PCI-e f0r the HDTV Tuner, and PCI for the wireless g/n netw0rk card.

and yes, I d0 have a picture 0f Mahmoud Ahmadinejad making the peace sign next t0 my Greenpeace calendar.. ;p

Hashy's picture

Some Meditative/Relaxation Techniques..

s0me 0f the techniques that I kn0w and (not 0ften en0ugh) use are just s0me 0f the basics.

There is the simple principle 0f “gr0unding”. Anyb0dy wh0 is familiar with electrical circuitry and systems sh0uld kn0w 0f this principal.
“You would think somebody who designs aircraft for a living would know they needed to be grounded”- Captain Towns
Put simply. Y0u are an electrical circuit, and y0u need t0 be gr0unded t0 the Earth itself in 0rder t0 achieve a pr0per, balanced energy fl0w. This is essential f0r 0ur state 0f well being, and I find it very, very funny, that m0st 0f the time we wear sh0es with rubber s0uls..umm..s0les.. Which insulate us fr0m being gr0unded t0 the Earth. Big stinking c0nspiracy I call 0n this 0ne, haha ;p

Ar0mas. the g00d 0lfact0ry sense. pr0bably my fav0urite. Different ar0mas can have differing effects 0n different pe0ple, but there are general effects that different ar0mas sh0uld have 0n everyb0dy. Smell can induce mem0ry, which s0metimes might n0t be a g00d mem0ry, s0 finding ar0mas that y0u just like/find appealing is really what it c0mes d0wn t0 al0t 0f the time. I burn (lately) al0t 0f incense sticks, but s0me pe0ple tend t0 find the sm0ke makes them sneeze 0r they have a reacti0n, 0r just find the idea 0f burning s0mething and inhaling it t0 much akin t0 sm0king and theref0re n0xi0us/p0is0n0us. f0rtunately, just ab0ut every different ar0ma available as a burnable incense, can be f0und in its 0il f0rm, and can be put int0 an 0il burner 0ver a candle/tealight. I find 0ils t0 be less “pungent” and sl0wer acting f0r my preference, but they are m0re subtle, less invasive, and many pe0ple preference this meth0d f0r the dispersi0n 0f their fav0ured ar0matics. =)

OMMM, like, deep, man”. Spending 0ver a m0nth with s0me hippies, y0u d0 al0t 0f the OMMMM stuff. Never having really d0ne that bef0re, it was an enj0yable experience, especially as apart 0f a larger gr0up. fr0m what I can gather, it induces a particular state 0f relaxati0n, and helps center 0nes mind and c0ncentrati0n. I believe that the vibrati0n that it induces in the v0cal c0rds, res0nates thr0ugh0ut the rest 0f the b0dy, speeding up the healing pr0cess, b0ther physically and metaphysically… I will add t0 this, they have scientifically determined that a Cats purring s0und, speeds up the healing 0f their 0wn b0dies. Maybe that is because they are in a relaxed state, and are able t0 heal faster, 0r because the vibrati0ns themselves help the b0dies cells t0 heal. I tend t0 think that “OMMM & PURRrrr” are essentially d0ing the same thing. OMMMMMmm Is 0ur equivalent vibrati0n f0r healing. Have y0u tried purring like a cat? g0 0n, try it.. its n0t easy!! Try OMMMmm instead. =p

Hashy's picture

The Fire

b@ck with my b0wl 0f Mil0 cereal.. =p (n0te: crushed peanut M&M’s 0n Mil0 cereal = WINNER!! Hey… It was 0n my birthday.)

Meditati0n up0n a fire 0r flame has a few different benefits t0 it. I think m0st 0r all 0f us find a g00d fire t0 be relaxing. Studying it cl0ser, finds all s0rts 0f fascinati0n. When it c0mes t0 meditati0n, the fire is symb0lic 0f transf0rmati0n. Scientifically, we kn0w this 0fc0urse. The fire is the escaping gases (sm0ke) fr0m the c0mbusted material, being vibrated t0 such a high level that they transf0rm int0 the 4th state 0f matter: Plasma.
The bigger the fire, the better. y0u can sit at a fire and simply enj0y its warmth and light, but y0u can als0 c0ncentrate 0n the fire. y0u can put int0 the fire things that y0u d0nt want 0r need anym0re. Bad/negative th0ughts, anything really, and the fire can symb0lically transf0rm th0se things int0 p0sitive energies. y0u can als0 thr0w int0 the fire effigy’s 0f the n0rwegian death l0rds wh0 c0nquered 0ur great h0me 0f Svalsbard.. If y0u s0 wish… =p

I w0uld rec0mmend that ind00rs.. Sticking with a candle, 0r tw0.. 0r 10. The m0re the better. But building a fire ind00rs is highly unrec0mmended, unless 0fc0urse y0u have a pr0per fireplace with a flue. Ach00. Bless y0u.. =/

Hashy's picture

It Is Now Time.

m0rnin all,

It is n0w time f0r me t0 begin my meditati0ns.

Hear fr0m y0u all in a c0uple 0f days n0w I h0pe.

Peace 0ut.

Hashy exits the universe and 0rbits the inf0rmati0nal layer 0utside 0f the giant blackh0le we all perceive as everything we can see and c0mprehend.

Hashy's picture

b@ck, m0stly. =p


I have disc0vered that I d0 n0t need ( 0r really have the patience f0r) a super l0ng day in day 0ut meditati0n sessi0n. I just need a g00d h0ur t0 start the day, and a g00d h0ur 0r s0 at the end 0f the day.

Last night I was just s000 relaxed, had n0t felt like that in a very l0ng time. The music, the candles, the Zen Meditati0n incense (the medicati0n kicking in.. =p ) I was just s0000 relaxed. I highly rec0mmend anyb0dy else here in the need f0r s0me g00d relaxati0n, t0 try s0me 0f this music (Buddhist Chants, I can p0int y0u in the right directi0n t0 find it..), s0me g00d fragrances, and the firelight 0f the candle.. Just an abs0lute winner t0 help th0se full 0f stress and w0rry t0 calm y0urself back d0wn, be gr0unded and relaxed, and ready t0 take 0n whatever life need thr0w at y0u. =)


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