I Have It. The Answer To The Secrets of Everything!

Hashy's picture


I have it. I’ve done it… I have figured out the secrets of the universe. To life. To everything. After banging my head against the window with kubuntu, then mandriva, then now linux Mint.. I have discovered the secrets of the cosmos. to Life. Everything. Absolutely EVERYTHING.

here it is.

“Linux developers are insane.”

Walks away with a dumbfounded look on my face.


n0mad's picture

Mandriva B the 0ne

Checkout Mandriva 2009.1

Follow this Hashy and U will B at 0ne……


Microman's picture

Buy a Mac!

I bought an iPod, talked to a bunch of users. I am convinced I need to buy a mac… It has the power of a linux machine (built on the same shell), but has the stability of a single team. This results in a very stable and easy to use OS.

Sha8doW's picture

i prescribe

I prescribe to hashys logic.

sorry fellas, those OS’s are only really ever going to be suited for, well, nerds! mainstream pop culture in this plug and play world will never accept that sheet!

Mac’s will have their noncompatitable day, mark my words…. the only reason they are appealing is due to the “lack of hax” which in turn will arrive considering the increased user base.

Windows 7 is my pick, for stability, usability, etc

Fuzz's picture

God damn hard drives

MM – agree with the logic, unix shell underneath, more stable. But no games!!! Well there’s more now that steams sort of on there, but in comparison, seriously, bugger all games. That’s always been the sticking point for me. If I change to anything other than Windows, I can’t play BC2. Or 90% of other games.

I’ll second Shad’s Windows 7 vote. I started mine 2 hours ago today. I’m back online, didn’t need to install a single driver. Just worked, on 3 year old hardware. Would much prefer to be doing anything else tonight, but through another hard drive dying, that’s what tonights job has been. I’m gonna start up a table somewhere here so we can track how often IPX drives die… Just for reference, it was another WD (Raptor – in the last 3 months, I’ve had a work one die, and a home one. And a friend at works one died too). But it’s not just WD, my preferred maker Seagate I’ve lost a few with too. Anyway… that’s for another thread.


Sha8doW's picture

Another hdd?

What you storing?

I’ve got some a-grade pajorno, and even I can’t keep up with that?
What’s failing? If it’s mechanical maybe it’s time for a ssd

love w7. You’ll be gaming before no time
my only issue was Dell 64 bit drivers for my printer, I needed to get the vista ones which were obscure to find. But I blame that more on a 64 bit issue rather then w7

Fuzz's picture

Storing – bit of everything I

Storing – bit of everything I guess. Mostly movies / tv shows. Yesterdays dead drive was just the Windows disk. I didn’t want to spend much cash on this old pc, it’s going to get replaced in a few months anyway. Will definitely go for an SSD then. Thinking X25-M 80G Intel.

I was blown away by steam last night. Steam was still sitting on my good drive, but Windows knew nothing about it, or the games in it. I just double clicked the steamservice.exe, it said something like “can’t find configuration files, hold on a sec” – it sat there for about a minute then loaded up steam… as if it was installed on my PC. I’d heard stories that it was good like that, but that was awesome.

To get BC2 running, all I needed to do was copy in the BC2 folder from my old my documents folder, to the existing one and it started first time from steam. Very impressive.

Next stop the rest of my apps. But at least I can shotgun guys again :)


Kazashi's picture


As an avid Linux user, I agree with many of the sentiments expressed above.

It seems as though there are still many developers who prefer to treat Linux as an enthusiast platform, that there shouldn’t be GUIs to configure things, and if some hardware doesn’t work out of the box then you haven’t searched the Internet hard enough. I don’t believe it will always be an OS for nerds, but with so many efforts in different directions, so many distros aiming to be desktop-friendly yet failing at small hurdles (like installing that buggy POS PortAudio by default, not including DVD playback due to US DCMA laws, not including nVidia drivers due to fanatical interpretations of “Free/Open Source Software”), and people dismissing entirely the prospect of a friendly Linux, there are some big obstacles to overcome.

Having said all that, there has been a lot of progress over the past few years. Often the driver support out of the box is better than what comes with Windows, and big companies are seeing the benefit of Linux and applying money to their efforts (e.g. Ubuntu, MeeGo). They may have a long way to go before they match the ease of use of OSX, but they have the added benefit of NOT BEING APPLE!

But yeah, not being a hardcore gamer helps. I am very happy with what I can play though, I don’t miss all of the AAA games (or their publishers who want $200k+ up-front for anyone wishing to port their games to Linux).

n0mad's picture

Steam & Linux

Lets h0pe Steam f0r Linux paves the way….

I await with anticipati0n…


Hashy's picture

Reinstalled Mint


s0 I had s0und issues with Mint. I was listening t0 an internet live audi0 stream, when all 0f a sudden my audi0 cut 0ut. Since then I had intermittent audi0 issues and c0uld n0t pin d0wn the pr0blem… At least, n0t with0ut trying d0zens 0f different types 0f c0ns0le c0mmands and blah blah blah.. Just unusable bullsh!t. Linux is great, w0nderful, better then wind0ze 0r a r0tten apple. That is, until s0mething g0es wr0ng, in which case y0ur left fucked with a rusty Linux flag p0le spending h0urs and h0urs g0ing thr0ugh f0rum p0sts, tr0uble sh00ting guides, using arcane c0ns0le c0mmands, blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda. I can agree with Shad 0n very little at times, but 0n this 0ne, I agree 100%, after having the 0pp0rtunity t0 use abit 0f Wind0ws 7, I have had as many issues with that as I have with Wind0ws XP, that is, F**K ALL. When s0methings g0es wr0ng, at least there is s0me h0pe 0f eventually FIXING IT with0ut res0rting t0 arcane language.. What the FUCK d0es sudo mean? Rhymes with Tuxedo, which is, a bullsh!t classist facade 0f being s0mething better then y0u really are! Tux y0ur a fucking jerk and Ill never ad0pt y0u.. Let the Penguins DIE.. ;p

But anyway, after all that trying t0 get the audi0 issues res0lved, I reinstalled Mint and g0t it back t0 where I needed it t0 be, and will n0t tamper with anything any further, but I suspect the audi0 issues will cr0p up at s0me p0int again in the near future at rand0m and send my head flying back thr0ugh the wind0w again. 0nly g0t Linux running s0 I can play my c0py 0f X3 anyway, which I am disc0vering t0 be as infuriating as Linux itself.. ;p


But aside fr0m all 0f that. A Linux Wind0ws replacement is a l0ng way 0ff. Until y0u get rid 0f all the behind the scenes c0ns0le stuff and make a GUI with0ut all the c0mpiling, c0ns0le c0ns0le schm0ns0le package crap, it will never bec0me a viable replacement f0r wind0ws.

I d0nt wave flags (Except a burning Norwegian flag 0fc0urse.). I have n0 l0ve f0r Microsoft, I have no love for Apple, Ive had a personal grudge and vendetta against Telstra since I was 11 years old, but Linux devel0pers are just crazy. If they want t0 succeed, all the devel0pers fr0m the seemingly hundreds 0f different distributi0ns, need t0 start t0 m0ve back t0gether and f0cus 0n TW0 main distributi0ns. 1) GUI and 2) Console/Developer

I call f0r the “Unixficati0n” pr0ject. Catchy title huh. ;p

Smelly Penguin flesh!!!

Hashy's picture

"Unixficati0n" Already In Use..

0k s0 its already been taken.. The name I mean.. But still, bring it all back t0gether again… But yeah, trying t0 get th0usands 0f independent, un-c0-0rdinated devel0pers t0 w0rk t0gether and c0llab0rate 0n 0ne thing is just g0ing t0 be next t0 imp0ssible.. But hey, I dream big.

Smart ph0nes, yup, I was g0ing 0n ab0ut that in 2002. Digital ph0t0 frames.. I was a year ahead 0n that 0ne… And n0t t0 menti0n Avatar.. Just, my idea wasn’t as gay.

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