Hashy's picture


The h0ur is alm0st up0n us. The final chapter, the last leg, the big g00dbye its all happening, in a little ab0ut 6 h0urs fr0m n0w ( i thiink, I suck at translating timez0nes…)

y0u can watch the landing live 0n NASA TV. but d0nt expect t0 see much, as it will be an early m0rning landing 0ver there, night visi0n cameras are 0ur friends..


NASA Final Shuttle Mission Page –

Landing is at 5:56am US Eastern time. It is 11:30pm US Eastern time right n0w.. d0 the math, I just w0ke up =p

Atlantis als0 yesterday released the space shuttle pr0gram’s 180th and final payl0ad, the Picosat, a 5” by 5” by 10” miniature satellite techn0l0gy dem0nstrati0n and evalauati0n.

Here’s t0 a safe landing f0r Atlantis and its crew. Thanks f0r the mem0ries and every ag0nizing launch. We will never have t0 fear giant chunks 0f f0am again!


Hashy's picture

5 hours and 56 minutes

fr0m… n0w

Landing will actually be I think 5:56:57am US Eastern, s0 cl0ser t0 5:57am but NASA r0unds things d0wn f0r whatever reas0n.

Hashy's picture

s0 that is..

s0 that is 7:56pm Australian Eastern, right?

n0mad's picture

End 0f an Era

Thanx 4 the headsup Hashy

Amazing H0w l0ng they g0t 0ut 0f this ageing techn0l0gy……..


Hashy's picture

We were lucky..

We were lucky, after what happened t0 Columbia, t0 get the space shuttle back at all. In the end I think they realized they needed it with their current plans t0 build the space stati0n s0 they pressed 0n.

We were lucky, but in s0me ways unlucky t0 l0se 2 Space Shuttles. Statistically I think that was the high end 0f acceptable/predicted l0sses 0r whatever, 1 in 100 0r s0mething like that.

Well the Space Shuttle was 0riginally c0nceived in like the 20’s 0r 30’s 0r s0mething. The shuttles have been upgraded piece by piece 0ver the years, especially after Columbia. I think we g0t a pretty g00d lifespan 0ut 0f them, cant say weather 0r n0t it was a g00d deal finance wise, the alternative meth0ds may have w0und up cheaper in the l0ng run, but its been fun having a manned space “plane” 0ver my lifetime.

Make way f0r Ares I & the CEV I say

Sha8doW's picture


I missed it, I’ve watched the last couple since hashy got me onto it!

It’s an epic sight to watch and the camera setup on the shuttle to film it’s landing is amazing! I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn’t seen it to watch on!

Maybe on YouTube, as you’ll never get the chance again to watch it live!!

Farewell shuttle! You leave behind a hole which will long be irriplacible by anything comparing to your majesty!

Hashy's picture

Deorbit Burn

De0rbit burn is less then an h0ur fr0m n0w, 6:49pm Australian Eastern

n0mad's picture

45min c0unt d0wn active

8:00pm t0uchd0wn 0ur time

g00d luck
g0d speed


Hashy's picture

It's Over

Its 0ver.. Its d0ne… =’(

Welc0me back t0 Earth the final crew 0f the final space shuttle.


Just l0st f0r w0rds really haha..

Fuzz's picture


Was pretty awesome to watch live. Really glad you guys made me aware of it.

Robag's picture

Thank You Atlantis Thank you NASA

Sad to see it end, happy to see that got home safe.

smoke me a kipper i will be back in the morning


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