Just t0 be clear, we had n0thing t0 d0 with it.
m0re then 80 are dead after a twin terr0rist attack in Norway.
Team IPX d0es n0t end0rse this attack, we had n0thing t0 d0 with it, and 0ur hearts g0 0ut t0 0ur Svalsbardian br0thers and sisters wh0 are unrightfully caught up in this mess.
Next thing y0u kn0w they will be blaming Svalsbardian Anti Whaling Terr0rists, d0nt let it happen!
Terrified Campers..
“Terrified campers cowered behind walls and jumped into the water to escape the carnage.”
n0 sh!T.. Camping c0mes back and bite y0u in the arse s00ner 0r later…
Seri0usly th0ugh, this wh0le thing s0unds pretty bad. Very very nasty situati0n. Team IPX gives its first and 0nly heartfelt c0nd0lences t0 the pe0ple 0f n0rway ( d0nt get used t0 it..)
Despite our differences with Norway (they took our land!), no-one wishes terror on anyone.
Though the first thing I said after my girlfriend told me what hapened was… Ohhhh this isnt gonna be good for Team IPX. Unfortantly her respones was, “Who is Team IPX” followed with me facepalming.
i've been in
a comms black hole, and agree that this is aweful and not endoresed at all…
but i have a question, is this actually terrorism? it sounds like crack pots going off like columbine/port arthur??
ill have to do some investigation to get informed. but im concered that if every crackpot is played out to be a “terrorist” surely it will piss the real ones off/motivate them to “go further”
also, i think calling someone a terrorist is establishing them with a cause. calling someone a fucken nutjob and a handing them a white coat with buckles doesnt give the person “credit”
Yep agree. At the time of my initial comment it wasn’t clear it was all the act of one nutcase.
to hasy post title. ‘Or did we’
The dictionary says terrorism.
Whether it’s a single white male nutcase, or a group of arab nutcases, the underlying event is an act of violence creating a far-reaching psychological impact to further an agenda or achieve an objective. The objective doesn’t have to be coherent or acceptable to the rest of the world.
In this case the motive was drawing attention to anti-immigration and anti-islam ideologies. He certainly did that.
Funnily en0ugh...
Hyping terr0rism itself c0uld be in itself, a f0rm 0f instilling terr0r in the general p0pulace. Maybe that’s what they want, perhaps n0t, regardless, terr0rism 0f any f0rm unleashes a sh!tst0rm 0f s0cial and p0litical issues, and shakes t0 the very c0re 0ur rights and liberties. n0 g00d at all will c0me fr0m this, and it will 0nly make it harder f0r real h0nest hard w0rking farmers t0 get the nutrients they need. Pers0nally I prefer them use less chemical fertilizers and g0 as natural as they p0ssibly can, but in the real w0rld, these farmers are used t00 and even dependent up0n the results that are yielded by using these str0ng chemical fertilizers.
The t0ll fr0m this Massacre ( calling it terr0rism may yes be true, but it hypes terr0rism, s0 I prefer t0 try t0 av0id it.) has been revised d0wn t0 ab0ut 67. d0nt remember the exact number, but its in the 60’s and n0t 80’s as was previ0usly feared.
76 was the latest figure I f0und. g0t my 60’s and 70’s mixed up again..
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