BC2:VIETNAM Release date and time
So BC2:V is out today for the PC (18th 3 days early for pre-order ) and it looks like we get jibed for being in AUS and NZ.
From what I can tell we will get it unlocked @ 0900 GMT.
The times are –
QLD – 7pm
Rest of AUS – 8pm
NZ – 10pm
so looks like we have to wait for the rest of the world to catch up to us to play.
I took the plunge
Secured more work yesterday, so actually do have a little disposable money.
I’m still confused about the release date, but being 9am GMT 18th, means tonight for us right?
yup 10pm
for you MM
says 19hours at 1pm taking it to the 19th, oh well it’ll happen when it happens
can you
still pre order anytime up to whatever pm?
I preordered for $15USD last night (3am NZDT). Just checking for you now, yes you can for $15USD.
I’m not sure if it will jump up or down after release, I guess that is a gamble. My bet is it will go up to catch the people with the idea “I’ll get it if people like it”.
Just preordered too
pretty fun
good fun playing charlie, die gi die. Seems way to easy to kill and be killed. near impossible to finish a map as attackers at the moment, might change as people get to know the maps. Pretty funny when you get fried by the flamethower as you scream in pain looking for water.
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