Broken Keyboard

Microman's picture

Hey Guys,

Sorry I missed practice. I spilled apple juice on my keyboard, and now it doesn’t work too well… Right now, it has some spacers between the three membrane layers to help them dry out, after I cleaned it with some alcohol.

If it doesn’t work, then I will either have to use this bad HP keyboard, or get a new keyboard. I don’t have money for it, and I’m not interested in getting a razer keyboard :-P. If anything, I’ll be getting the same one again, the Saitek Cyborg Keyboard v5.




is that what they

call it these days….


cover your keyboard when your ………………………………….. drinking apple juice

n0mad's picture

b0rg waving fist int0 the air

Did it fizzle like a b0rg c0ntr0l panel ?

Well MM it might B time 2 stepup 2 the Merc Stealth


Tripsicle98's picture

Hmm you can have my really good HP Keyboard


Microman's picture


It’s all dried, and the touch panel at the top works again. Just need to get the keys working again. As it stands, not one key works, which is a good clue that a connected is not seated properly.

All going well, I’ll have it fixed tonight.

Tripsicle98's picture

You hope

Good Luck

Tripsicle98's picture

But your not very good with fixing

things like you havent fixed a soldering iron or anything like that

Microman's picture


I also haven’t fixed my guitar, anybody’s radio, or Mum’s speakers…

Not sure what’s up with the membrane as of yet, but it appears that the conductive traces are still intact, so I didn’t dissolve any by cleaning it!

Tripsicle98's picture

No you havent fixed anything like that

And thank god you didn’t dissolve the traces i know how bad you are at using patch wire

Microman's picture

Oh Yes

That board I designed recently with the traces going to the wrong places… Heh.

Sha8doW's picture

apple juice aye?

Just dont use one of those infa-red ultraviolet loght dealies on mine!

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