Logan's Dad

Microman's picture

Hey Guys,

I’ve noticed that Logan hasn’t posted anything in here about his Dad. I’m not sure how much he has told you, but here’s the story.

Logan’s Dad suffered a heart attack, and what medically dead for 12 minutes. Logan de-fibrillated him, saving his life. The paramedics arrived to take him to hospital where his condition was found to be a malfunctioning left ventricle (Logan has these details for the medically inclined..!). He stayed in a medically induced coma to keep stress off his heart and his brain. They woke him up to asses his condition, and have found no signs of serious brain damage. He became stressed, and they put him back into the coma. However, to my knowledge, he is in a stable condition out of ICU and in the cardio ward where he is likely to stay for the next few weeks. He needs surgery to give him a pace maker and also what is effectively a small defib.

Logan managed to stay level headed through the whole thing which was key in saving his life. Well done, Logan. Hopefully the next few weeks go well for you and your family.




I really sorry to hear that happened...

But glad the out come has been as good as can be excepted. When you say Logan, do you mean Loganator?

Microman's picture


Loganator :-)

Sha8doW's picture

Logan let the BoD know

Of his personal issues, he also advised a number of people in mumble/that he’d not be around!

This is a stressful time, and I know how emotionally exhausting these aweful events can be! You wouldn’t wish this kind of trauma on anyone!

All our thoughts, and prayers (if your such inclined) I’m sure are with Logan and his family!

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