Call me Imelda Marcos but...

Sha8doW's picture

I just had to have these!

Can you blame me?

How do you represent IPX?



Those are some cool IPX shoes.

Robag's picture

RE:Call me Imelda Marcos but...

OMG they are fulllllyyyyyy sick man
who do i go to to get a hook up :)
go team IPX

HarassmentPanda's picture


These are kids shoes right?

n0mad's picture


Very nice indeed

T0 g00d to hang 0ut the fr0nt of my h0use 0ver the p0wer lines :)

Bling is g00d

Sha8doW's picture

you like!?

no no… they are real!
$90 for the Fila’s and $80 for the DC’s

anyone else want to represent
(the laces will cost you extra ;) )

HarassmentPanda's picture

Where did you get them?

I only buy shoes I can try on.

Sha8doW's picture

a shop


i didnt magicly make them

chipper's picture


Shad i have to ask… what do you where them with?

i’m trying to pitcher an outfit that these shoes would go with that isn’t Ali Gesque

HarassmentPanda's picture



HarassmentPanda's picture

Really, no shit

What shop?

Sha8doW's picture

ask LT

Ask LT about what i was wearing when we had a beer….
Ltmon: “where are you?”
Shad: ‘Walk North… think IPX, You cant miss me”

seriously tho the skates are just causal shooze for with jeans and stuff.
the Filas are what i got for running/PT/Gym etc…

Hashy's picture

Imelda Marcos?

Googles Imelda Marcos…..


Sha8doW's picture


You didnt know who Imelda Marcos was?
See all them science and book smarts will only get you so far!

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