Sha8doW's picture

it contains details of medical procedures, horror and adult themes

well…. Where to start?

around 12:30 yesterday, Shad had his jaw smashed, sliced, drilled and yanked in order to remove the final two wisdom teeth which had been plaguing him for the last 8 or so years.

The sounds of chipped teeth, the tastes of blood soaked saliva were slightly numbed by the pethodone and liberal shots of Novocaine while I sat calmly in my chair!

now i sit here typing around 24 hours after the proccdure ended filling in you all… thankgod for my mutant healing factor.

a bit of background: My top two were pulled out by a very good dentist while still in highschool. these two were not impacted however were causing me issues. At this time the lower two had not ventured out, so they were left alone. A few years later, out they came and off to the dentist i went to have these ones pulled out in much the same fashon as the top two. Words like “impacted” and “close to the nerve” were spoken to a drugged Shad whom just nodded “ok, doc” style. And when the wife asked me what he said all i could say was “I cant remember”
Basicly, the suckers were nasty at the time, pushing between my other teeth and my jaw. The recommendation was “go to hospital, get them out!” Costs were somewhere in the millions (compared to my wage at the time) and there was going to be alot of time off work. (considering i was lucky to have a lunch break in those days, a week was out of the question)
So for about 8 or so years lif went on, My teeth had pushed through as far as they were going, but slowly pushing my lower jaw out of alingment and forward. to the extreeme where my teeth no longer close together (there is a few mm gap between the top and bottom) on one side.

WTF, this could effect my smooth good looks!

So what happend?: to the dentist I go, now with a change if life style, job etc etc…
i got a shot of peth and a lay down… After i was sufficently “chillaxed” i was “escorted” to the chair. Mouth dry, brain numb i was asked how i was feeling and if i had any nausia? “well i had a nap back there, and all i feel is like i want some more…. I hope your gunan give me something harder, cause i think this is wearing off” the three medical professionals laughed. “seriously, if you cut me I’m quite likely to turn into the incredible hulk in a small confined room with a lot of expensive gear… and your the one holding the knife, and if you think youve pumped me with druggs, there is a greater chance of it occuring. the laughs promptly stopped and the liberal doses of novacaine flowed.
now i know they gave me a little more then i was supposed to have cause my whole face was numb… they could have down eye surgery and i wouldnt have felt it!

All i felt was the sensations of, yanking, drilling and slicing. all i tasted was blood rich saliva and all i saw was lots of stuff shoved in my mouth through my heavy eyelids.

around half an hour later i was escorted out to the car to be driven home… for some “upright rest”
an hour later i needed to take my meds and change the gause. the most goriest part… so i will just summarise by saying there was blood everwhere… and when you cant feel anything, its even worse!
Around 8 hours later, the novacaine and peth wore off… and i needed to change my second gause and was starving.
this has been the only pain i felt, talking and jaw movements hurt, but its better then i was expecting.

like i said before, the mutant healing factor has kicked in, if i can minimise the talking and chewing. im all good!

this morning and today, i feel pretty good. i look like a cartoon batman and feel a little heavy on the brain, which is either the half dose of pain killers which im only taking cause the wife is nagging me or the “crashing” after the peth.

so in summary, just go get em done if you can. Get em done in the chair like i did… my sister got hers out in hospital, she looked 100% worse then me and all brused up!
i dont have any brusing!


Fuzz's picture

won't someone think of the children

Firstly thank you for not putting in pictures. I can’t even bear to read this. I just read the teaser.

Hope you recover soon. Wisdom teeth removal sucks, I did all 4 in 1 go. Was not fun (not sure if that’s worse or better than what you went through, not willing to read your post to find out).

argh head hurts from thinking about it all again.

Fuzz's picture

Old Bathurst

Oh, and don’t drive up old Bathurst Road for a bit (not that you would). I did it a few days after having mine removed and had to stop 3 times cos I thought my head was gonna explode.

Microman's picture

Only 16

I’m only 16, so haven’t had too much work done.

I don’t wanna get them removed!! :-(, owies!

Hope you recover soon buddy

100% Normal Wisdom Teeth

All 4 of my wisdom teeth still in my jaw.

No Dentist has advised removal yet.

I thnk it has something to do with the fact that I had 3 sets of teeth not just 2 xD

I’m on the 3rd set now, the 2nd set fell out like the 1st LOL

I’m a shark baby YEAH! ;P

Edit: As n0mad said, drugs are good ;)
They apparently start hurting a couple of days after the extraction :(

HarassmentPanda's picture

Not nice

Sounds like you need some food through a straw action. Mmm. Meat shake.

n0mad's picture

Drug Time


Time 4 sum drugs me think………..


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