Broken Water

Sha8doW's picture

4:41pm Shad’s misses waters just broked!



Fuzz's picture

woah! It’s on now! Good luck!

woah! It’s on now! Good luck!

Allright… who’s still in the running – anyone pick 29/8 or 30/8 (hopefully 29th… for Mrs Shad’s sake)

Looking like Robag!

n0mad's picture


h0pe it’s n0t 2 fast and n0t t00 l0ng……..

G00d Luck…………

m0ney’s 0n Girl………

Robag's picture

oww oww oww owwww

soooooooooooooooooooooo c00000000000000000lllllllll

g00d luck Mrs and Mr Shad


good luck!


Microman's picture

Good luck!

I’m sure you will make a great dad!

Sha8doW's picture

already do!

Its my second… id hope i already am a great dad ;)

Sha8doW's picture

No news

nothing new to report… maybe in the morning (just stopped home to get some stuff she forgot!)

Good Luck!

Go Shad…all the best to you and the missus.

willow's picture


best wishes to you and your mrs!

Sha8doW's picture


And Nothing new to report 8:04am 30/8/09

Awaiting contractions to start, mother and baby all fine atm. It just doesnt want to come out :)

looks like later tonight, might be the time… (heh, and i dont think anyone (without cheating) has picked 30th

I picked


Doctor’s won’t let it go more than 48 hours without bringing it on due to risk of infection after waters have broken
I bet they have already booked caesar just in case for Monday morning
I still bank on 31st and Boy lol even more convinced now the stubborn little beggar won’t do what he’s told lol
It will be just a little ealier on the 31st than i thought

SHAD!!! just wanted to say

SHAD!!! just wanted to say goodluck with everything! i am not going to make any guesses toward boy or girl because who really has any idea, as long as the baby is healthy! Can’t wait to read all the details on the birth. And don’t forgot, you owe me Pizza Hut :)

good luck shad

hope it all goes well mate

ltmon's picture

Good luck Shad

Number 2… must be a walk in the park for you both by now surely ;) ?

We all await news eagerly.

Sha8doW's picture


Tyler Jay (TJ) Hartog
(Jay is a middle name, TJ is a just a nickname)
Younger brother to Jackson Vaughan
Born 9:30pm Sunday 30/8/09, Weighing in at 3.51kg

Mum had a rough time, but both are doing well.
Parents are very proud of their boys

Robag's picture

love your work Mrs Shad

i think we know you did all the hard work :)

well played good game

Robag goes off to buy baby present :)


willow's picture


Well done to Mr & Mrs Shad!! another new baby IPXer!!

Pinge's picture


Well it was a shock to be told that you couldnt play Insurgency coz the babies on its way.

Congratulations to the Sha8dows.
Trust all is well and and remains so.

Thats the end of gaming as you knew it…:)

n0mad's picture

c0ngrats Shad and Mrs Shad

c0ngrats Shad and Mrs Shad

Y0ur starting t0 make the numbers for the IPX Little Team

h0pe U guys get sum sleep while at the Hospital………


Bandwidth_Bandito's picture

congratulations to all the Sha8dow family

Best wishes and congratulations to all the Sha8dow family from BB and ADA, shame you missed the scrim but your excuse is satisfactory ;)
A hearty MOOKA to you all.

HarassmentPanda's picture

Congrats mate.

Congratulations – will catch up soon.

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