LOL COD Black Ops Epic Fail
Read the article, then watch the video!
The bit about consoles being the problem, its funny…. but true
Nuff said
Read the article, then watch the video!
The bit about consoles being the problem, its funny…. but true
Nuff said
Whats next.. Rail?
I have always c0nsidered COD games t0 be a prime example 0f a cinematic gaming experience. Frankly a step in either directi0n w0uld be bad f0r them. They had it as g00d as it was g0ing t0 get. Whats next, a rail sh00ter? Dear g0d that takes me back aways…Rail sh00ter where y0u d0n’t actually “have” t0 sh00t. Pe0ple are getting fucking lazy. Bring 0n the true FPS creati0n, if y0ur b0dy d0nt m0ve in real life, neither d0 y0u in the game. That will cut 0ut aut0matically 50% 0f pe0ple wh0 aren’t fit en0ugh t0 walk a mile, let al0ne run f0r 10km straight.
“This is all just awful. I blame the consoles for this by the way. PC games used to be special. If you own an Xbox or a PlayStation, you are part of the problem. In fact get the f—- off my channel.”
T00 TRUE! I 0nly g0t a PS3 because I w0n it, and the LAST thing I d0 0n it is play games, and I laugh at c0ns0le gamers taking 2 sec0nds t0 d0 a 180 t0 sh00t s0meb0dy 0n their tail. Keyb0ard + m0use vs gamepads? I’ll take a lazy 50 0n that bet any day.
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