
Sha8doW's picture

So I’m looking to get a vasectomy…
Any volunteers to undertake the procedure?


Sha8doW's picture


Given all the shad hate, surely I can get a cheap rate from one of our visitors ;)

We could start an auction, the proceeds going to our favorite not for profit organisation!

HAHAH, robag… we laugh so hard

(Fuzz is gunna spit his drink at work!)

Hashy's picture


You got it all wrong fool…. You need too have your Uterus removed

I had mine done, and lost 20KG!

I had it donated to the museum of natural wonders of middle aged survivors of carpet cleaning accidents

Fuzz's picture


I’m always up for trying new things. I’ll be a guinea pig in this new fangled “Vasectomy” you speak of.

So what is it.. some kind of fairy floss?

Sha8doW's picture

Split peas!

Choice of tool!
It could end up like a game of dead island!


Fuzz's picture


I really hope no-one actually doesn’t know what it is and goes off and google image searches it… my god that would be a traumatic search

immrbob's picture

and on that note

im not going to google that shit

Sha8doW's picture


immrbob's picture


so u staple your balls then cut them off? wtf? AND WHY IS THERE A KIT FOR THAT!??!?!?!?

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