Help me remember, what was that game?

Sha8doW's picture

Im trying to remember a game… But i cant I’m getting old, and I can’t remember things as well as I should… And when I think that what im trying to remember was about half my lifetime ago… But all that means is I’ve been gaming too long and I’m getting too old!

Help, mainly from Fuzz, Oz and Kazashi… But many of the older IPXers may have played it too!
“It came from a Macca CD”
It was a cartoonie driving game (top viewish). The cars in this context always appeared to me to be like micro machines (no it wasnt micro machines. One was a yellow monster truck which growled when you hit turbo, a black hotrod with flames and a crazy laugh turbo, a police car with turbo siren, a monkey ambulance, a red sports car, school bus with screaming kids and others.
The tracks were crazy: a jungle where you’d race over rope bridges and jump a volcano, a town where you had to beat a speeding train and a port where you’d jump boats!
We used to IPX it up and would love to play again!
Id pay for it “again” if necessary….

Anyone remember the game/name?


Fuzz's picture


Oh boy that takes me back. That game is actually one of my youngest brothers favorite games of the time. I used to play it split screen with him as well as you guys LAN. Fantastic game… that would absolutely still hold up today.

The game looked like this:

The name of the game was…..


Fuzz's picture


From wikipedia:

“Particularly in Russia, the game claimed as one of the most exciting games during the rise of the legend games like Fallout, Counter-Strike, Starcraft and Diablo; also because of the flourishing pirate CDs on the markets Ignition became very popular”

Even in Svalbard :)

Fuzz's picture


It looks like it may support TCP/IP. I thought it was IPX only. That’s promising…

Sha8doW's picture


I forgot about the banana car with the carnivale music!

Extremely good memory!

n0mad's picture


Here’s a link U may Like

I actually have a game like this 0n my Android Tablet


n0mad's picture

Games Similar 0n steam

Death Rally

Bang Bang Racing

I w0uld be interested in playing this style 0f 0ld sk00l game Shad ?


Sha8doW's picture

Bang Bang

Its worth giving another try getting Ignition running multiplayer again.
Otherwise im down for a copy of Bang bang

n0mad's picture


Just played the Steam Bang Bang Racing Demo and yep a bit dissap0inted…

Yes get Ignition running me thinks als0
Micro machines was s0 g00d I hear Micro Machines V4 is g00d…
Als0 f0und this as well Mashed

Anyway I may als0 add that I will als0 be getting this
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
As a big fan 0f Wii Mari0 Kart This l00ks awsum


Sha8doW's picture

bah licenced characters!

Skunny Kart FTW! “It’s Me, Mari-”-SMACK! (ahh the music and sounds take me back to my childhood)

Sad to hear that Bang Bang is a let down, I’ll have to DL the demo and give it a try.

those racers with “weapons” look a tad too silly for me.

and it if all turns to poo tickets, we could throw down some ZeroGear

Robag's picture

i think i got a copy

of Ignition off GOG
n0mad an i tried to get it working. not much luck though


Fuzz's picture


We got it working on Friday single player.

You need: – The game – The 3dfx patch – something else, think it was called nglide

That was about it… It works.

The hard part is getting the networking going. We tried hamachi, which SHOULD work. So far it just gets stuck at the point waiting for players. Interestingly though when I create a game in there, the others can SEE it. They just get stuck when joining it.

Some more work for us I think at some point to figure it out. Hoping its something silly like port forwarding.

Should you need to forward ports when you’re connected via Hamachi?

Fuzz's picture


Some fantastic games there… Joust! Budokan!!

Awesome… I still remember playing Alley Cat at Babuda’s place (axe man, coolbananas… he had so many names, can’t keep up)

Fuzz's picture


That was a good game. I still remember having to put up with demos back in the day. Whatever you could get off PC Gamer mags.

It was a treat if you got ur hands on the real thing… These days, it’s just too easy. The thrill of getting a new game isn’t as great (except when it’s NBA!)

I’ve dead set never played Mario Kart.

Does anyone remember Wacky Wheels?

Kazozza's picture

What'cha gonna do?

This game needed it’s own post. Hang Time y’all….

n0mad's picture


cl0se Robag it was 1nsane
and we g0t it running in the end, I think, can’t really remember it was a few m0nths ag0 n0w….

We sh0uld try that again Robag that car game has p0tential…..


Robag's picture


hmm I thought we had a hell of a time getting the network going ????


Kazashi's picture


That was some fun… I actually didn’t like racing games (since I sucked hard at them), but I was still willing to dive into some races around Moose Jaw Falls.

Hashy's picture


I always sucked at that game…. Bloody train….!

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