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Revision of Product Placement.... "with Shad" from Mon, 10/08/2009 - 23:28

Sha8doW's picture

You must read the following the the “snuggie” infomercial reader voice

Do you have a dishwasher?
Would you like whiter plates?
Clearer glasses?
Sick of paying too much for over priced brands?
Would you like a product that works, endorsed by a name that you trust?

Hi I’m Shad from Team IPX, and I’d like to tell you about the ultimate in dishwasher tablet technology?
you wouldn’t? well too bad!

in all seriousness tho, you use finish Powerball tablets? you probably think they are pretty good. The occasional plate or glass which doesn’t quite get clean was obviously “Hella Dirty” “Placed Wrong” “Some nasty shit, cause its a powerball!”

well NO MORE, gone are the days where you were misslead into “FINISHTHE DIAMOND STANDARD” was the the right standard! It might be for diamonds but not for plates people! The standard for clean plates is… CLEAN PLATES

anyway, throw out your finish crap, and go buy some of these
Woolworths Select dishwasher tablets…

They will work better then Finish Powerball and will be approx 10 bucks cheaper.
And it comes with the Shad Guarantee and the IPX “Screw Norway” tick of approval!

(And I hear that Mattatuide also uses these…)
And let it be known, that I, in no way am biased to Woolworths, nor have shares in westfarmers (or whoever pwns them). Im genuinely a Coles person in all seriousness!


HarassmentPanda's picture


I like the standard. Clean plates are clean plates and no amount of advertising is going to change that ;-)

Fuzz's picture

Must try

I just changed from Finish to some other random brand in between that and Woolworths. It’s been much the same. Gonna have to give this one a try. Clean plates for less money, and a screw norway guarantee…. what could be better?

wish i had a dishwasher

on the plus side, I CAN activate my kitchen cleaning robot via phone xD

Fuzz's picture


how many svalbards for your kitchen cleaning robot?!

Sha8doW's picture

i wouldnt call

I wouldnt call “it” a robot… you might get in A WHOLE LOT OF TROUBLE!

ltmon's picture

And for the love of god...

Don’t try and feed “it” a dishwasher tablet…

Fuzz's picture


Is it wrong that I still wanna buy “it” with Svalbards?

n0mad's picture

n0t s0ap

And n0 U can’t use it as s0ap……..


in response to such high demand

I will start work on another kitchen robot immediately, it seems that many people have yet to experience the delight of living with a kitchen robot xD

(edit: omg just realised how wrong that sounds)
(edit: good night <(.)>)


how are the little hats for our avatar coming along?

as long as

there is one cherry coloured vinyl cowboys hat, i’ll be happy lol

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