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Revision of Where is Shad!? from Sun, 04/10/2009 - 13:42

Sha8doW's picture

News, Adventures and Storys of Grandure to follow soon!



yeah right he is prly with fuzz getting anal probed

Fuzz's picture


Edit: Have removed my dummy spit, consider it brought on by my disappointment in my team losing the grand final, but I’ve replaced it with this less swear word ridden post / semi rant.

Can whoever keeps changing the author information on this post please STOP. It breaks things on the site as Anon’s are not supposed to be able to post blogs, and views and urls break when posts made by non anons are changed to anon.

Consider it a rule – no posts can be changed to anonymous. Same with the admin user cannot post content, it must always come from your own user.

Microman's picture

Saw That

Right when Robag started reading it, so I went and had a look.

I knew it was shad xD

Fuzz's picture


Yeah was thinking of starting up my own WTF podcast… What the Fuzz with F***.

could be kool

but you need to be more angry if its gonna work.
Takes lotsa steroids

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  • Avast! This website be taken over by pirates on September 19th. Yarr!

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