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Revision of Torchlight from Sat, 19/12/2009 - 13:49

n0mad's picture

As U may be aware I like my RPG games and every n0w and then I say
“Why can’t I just Kill things, l00t and Level up with0ut reading t0ns 0f text”

Well that game has arrived in the vain/style 0f the 0ld Diablo
actually d0ing justice t0 it and that game is Torchlight

Now US$19.99 ain’t a bad price f0r this simple yet effective game but
f0r this weekend 0nly it’s 50% off making it US$9.99

I would highly rec0mmend U jump at it if y0u like ya RPG games simple but 0hh s0 much addictive….

Think 0f it like a t0p d0wn view Dungeon Crawl with heaps of monsters, sum great graphics and a m0de t0
able U t0 play it 0n any 0ld system 0r even any laptop…..

Also if U don’t like ya DnD type Weap0ns such as B0ws and Cleavers then y0ur als0 in luck they have added a wh0le heap 0f Guns yep RPG with Guns
and it really d0es make U think that maybe Borderlands rubbed 0ff 0n them because after a while 0f playing It feels like Borderlands but with t0p d0wn view.

s0 if U are still thinking ab0ut getting it but d0n’t wanna read any reviews just try the “Torchlight Demo”;
and start getting into it straight away, I guarantee U you w0n’t st0p clicking…….



Hashy's picture


n0mad recommended i try this one the other week, i admit i havn’t gotten back to it, but it was alright. worth a try, and good demo in that it gives you some game play time, not one room and your done.

half price tooo.. half priiice! =p

Microman's picture

First Person

I’ve really disliked games I have played in the past hat aren’t first person…

ltmon's picture

Dear god!

I can still remember when there wasn’t any such thing as first person games!

Anyone up for a Rise of the Triad tournament ;)

Sha8doW's picture

anyone for

anyone for 4 player kings quest or leasure suit larry!

PS, i finally completed conquest of camelot last year fuzz!


kippa likes it i have dual pistols

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