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Revision of Steam Sale - new IPX games? from Sat, 02/01/2010 - 16:43

Fuzz's picture

I’ve been umming and erring over which games to get off Steams sale. I picked up one I really wanted (NBA 2K10) and damn I love it, but when it came to multiplayer team games there were a few. But generally they weren’t worth it unless several others were getting them too… so I thought it might be worth posting something to see if anyone else was interested in getting any cheap games. Here’s some of the deals available – all sales til the 3rd unless otherwise specified:

- “Frontlines Fuels of War“ : $7.49
Blood did a great review of this a while ago and if it was a little cheaper then I’d have been in. I’m definitely up for this if a few people want it, but more importantly if people would still play it. – HAWX – $14.99 –
Another one Blood reviewedCall of Juarez – Bound in Bloow – $14.99
Looks like Smokin Gunz with better graphics. – Mass Effect – 4.99 (today only)
Only know of this as it was supposed to be a good console shooter. – STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl – $1.49
Kazashi bought this… any good? Steam says it’s multiplayer.

I’ve kept the list to multiplayer FPS or Flight games, and all under $20. There’s more chance of more of us buying if its cheap. If you see any more that fall into this kind of category please post them here as comments.

I left out Borderlands as I’ve decided to skip this one, and its a bit out of the “cheap” price range. Also left out COD MW2, even though I plan on getting this if it ever goes on sale.

Deadlines kind of tight if anyone wants them at those prices. If you’re interested in getting any of these games, comment here so we can all tell where the interest is and maybe get others to jump on board too.

If there’s no interest or not enough, that’s fine too, I’m sure there’ll be more sales soon and we can try again then. It’s probably worth doing something like this each time a big steam sale comes on in the interest getting IPX into new games every now and then. (And of course if there’s a free one you’re playing but haven’t told anyone about, do tell us so we can play too!)


PS. Hope you all had a great break. Back to work in a few days, fun :)


Hashy's picture

HAWX & Mass Effect (2)

I was anticipating HAWX quiet a bit actually when it was coming out. Played the demo on the PS3 and it just didn’t really grab me, so I ended up never buying it. Maybe good for a fly around and shoot though. $15 for the PC, is about all its worth, so why not?

Have not played Mass Effect, but have been thinking about Mass Effect 2 for the PS3 ,when its released, but really only due to the lack of good sci fi shooters on the console, and had heard the first one was alright, doesn’t by all means guarantee a good sequel though. Seems they don’t have any playable demos for Mass Effect as well. But at 5 bucks.. cmooooon!

PC Windows demo for HAWX

Microman's picture

Thought about:

I looked at STALKER. I decided that unless a few of us get them, then it wouldn’t be fun.

HAWX doesn’t grab me, but if there are a few of us interested, I’ll buy it.

Frontlines Fuels of War looks good.

The top of my list, and even clicked the buy button (didn’t go through with it) was Assassins Creed, and Tom Clancy Rainbow 6 Vegas 2.

Robag's picture


looks like a good deal Fuzz
it pretty much sells its self


ihave 2.0

i have frontlines as a hard copy. but i bought it at the same time as et:qw and you know what game i picked.
but if more ppl buy it i would be willing to give it another go. i have been playing a fair bit of cod 4 :mw and i must admit it is kind of fun.

also here is a picture for you all

Robag's picture


I bought it
now i just have to get home to download it lol


Microman's picture

In that case...

I’m pressing the DL button. $10 is pretty good hehe. It’s good to have a gaming team, I don’t need to rely on people to download games that I like, I can just find out who wants tog et what in here!

I watched all of the trailers. The only thing that put me off FFOW was the vehicles.

HAWX didn’t look fun to me, STALKER might be a little too old – who knows. Mass Effect isn’t my thing. Call of Jauraz looked really good, but $20NZD is a bit much. I am trying to save my money :-D

Fuzz's picture


Awesome. I’ll grab Frontlines too. Will need to wait a little bit to actually download it – my dl limits had a bit of a hammering lately but shuold have it in a few weeks.

And for anyone that misses it but is still interested, the price only goes back to $15 when the sales over so no huge loss.

HAWX / Stalker, will give that a miss too then. Call of Juaraz, it really does look fun doesn’t it. It wouldn’t take much to convince me… 1 or 2 people jumping in… but yeah not worth $20 if there’s no-one else to play.

Fuzz's picture

Steam Local Cache check

BTW does anyone remember the URL to check if Steam has a specific game hosted on Aussie servers? (Not looking for the method of forcing it to try and use aussie servers, just the website that checks if its cached in Australia).

Sha8doW's picture


I have it too!


ima gonna try that hawx demo i like the idea of planes (like older planes better but hey ill give it a whirl)

Sha8doW's picture

we did a HAWX write up

we (blood, Hashy and I) did a HAWX write up and comments

Personally: dont believe everything you hear… “The fundamental gameplay mechanics are similar to those of other console-based flight series, including Ace Combat.” is BULLSHIT Ace combat kicks its ass!
Also the ERS to me was annoying as HELL (it forces you fly in a “cinematic (for want of a better description) camera angle” which cant be changed and is completely shit

although yahtzee gave it a thumbs up… God knows why!?

Fuzz's picture


Review linked is linked in original post if anyone wanted to read.

Fuzz's picture


Last one, while L4D2’s on sale – did we have a general consensus on L4D2? Were people just not getting it because of the stripped down Aussie version? (cos that’s easy to get around, even in steam).

Hashy's picture

Internode Unmetered w Steam, & L4D2


I think it was the stripped down Aussie version that turned so many of us off. I hadn’t kept updated with how the cracking for the censored features was going, but I didn’t really think they would have a problem with it. =)
Also, downloads off of Steam are unmetered with Internode, as long as you select their servers.

Goto “File” in steam. click “Settings”. Goto “Download” tab, and make sure “Download region” is set to an Australia Internode server ( there’s a NSW one, and a SA one.)

Hope your with Internode Fuzz. =p

Fuzz's picture


Yeah it looks pretty easy to get around – just buy from the US store – instructions here

Absolute rip off the Aussie store for some games – MW2 – in the Aussie store USD89.99. In the US store, USD59.99. WTF – they’re both USD… Similar deal with Borderlands.

Internode – yeah I’m with them. Nearly everything I’ve got off steam has been unmetered – got bit with NBA 2K10 though, as node only caches some steam content, not all. So you can have Node set as your preferred download location (done that), but if node doesn’t have it, it goes to the next closest server which turned out to be overseas. Put a bit of a dent in my download limit hehe.

Sha8doW's picture

Stripped down aussie version

the last i heard was they have “caught up” and you can no longer get around it… they figure out where your playing and you get “glitched”

so who knows….

I’d buy it in a heart beat if i was sure its not the stripped down version… or that after buying it it wont get forced into being the stripped down version.
cause after 5 minutes of the bloody demo i was pretty pissed off at the vanishing zombies!

So if anyone has got it… and your playing it “over seas” and would like to tell me how to use the “playing from overseas” portal and can guarantee it works… let me know

Sha8doW's picture

Stripped down aussie version / the work around

the last i heard was they have “caught up” and you can no longer get around it… they figure out where your playing and you get “glitched”

so who knows….

I’d buy it in a heart beat if i was sure its not the stripped down version… or that after buying it it wont get forced into being the stripped down version.
cause after 5 minutes of the bloody demo i was pretty pissed off at the vanishing zombies!

So if anyone has got it… and your playing it “over seas” and would like to tell me how to use the “playing from overseas” portal and can guarantee it works… let me know

Fuzz's picture


Best I can see backing up BBQ’s method is here:

Last post late December. Sounds like if you buy it from a US account, then gift it to your Aussie account it will work. Not really up for running that risk though. There’s a lot of talk of MW2 and L4D2 cd keys being banned for being bought cheap from Asia then used in the US. Similar concept we’re talking about here. Don’t think it’s really worth the risk.

Sha8doW's picture

Yeah, my sentiments exactly

did you figure out that Node unmetered DL dealie?

both GTA 4 and F:FOW have been metered. Its not really an issue for me as i havent been DLing much of late – since Mininova got shut down

n0mad's picture

Painkiller: Resurrection

m0rning All

Steam L00k Up
Ok firstly check0ut wally3k Steam Lookup
This quick l00kup pr0g scans Aussie ISP’s t0 sh0w if they are h0sting game files..

Frontlines Fuels of War = 9460

n0w 0nt0 Steam Cheap Games
n0mad Painkiller Review Here
Kraizen and n0mad have purchased Painkiller Pack that includes the new Painkiller: Resurrection that has Multiplayer
So if any0ne wants t0 join us in Painkiller here are ya 0pti0ns;

Painkiller: Resurrection
RRP: US$29.99 Sale Price TODAY ONLY: US$14.99

but the best 0pti0n w0uld be t0 buy the
Painkiller: Collectors Pack
RRP: US$34.99 Sale Price TODAY ONLY: US$17.49

I have s0 many single player games to get through and I’m really wanting to play the Borderlands Expansion but I’m n0t paying f0r DLC….

Painkiller 4 the win…………


Fuzz's picture


That’s odd… mine made sense, node doesn’t actually have NBA 2K10 on their cache (there’s a site you can check that tells you if the game is on any aussie steam server). But I did check F:FOW and it said it was on nodes cache, so not sure why yours is being metered. Did you set node as your preferred server?

Guess I’ll have to keep an eye on mine when I get around to downloading F:FOW. Geez my limit took a hammering – it’s generally bad during the NBA season downloading 4-5 Cavaliers games a week at ~1-2GB a game, plus general internet usage. But add onto that a few steam games, plus a golden torrent weekend on UndergroundGamer and I had 2GB to use in 15 days. This might be the first month I actually buy an extra chunk of bandwidth as I can’t really be shaped while working from home. (Of course I could just stop downloading the Cavaliers games, but that’s just silly).

EDIT: wally3k steam look up – that’s the one, thanks n0mad.

Sha8doW's picture

Hella Odd

yeah my Steam DL’s are set to Node(NSW) so it doesnt make too much sense either

so keep any eye out.

Edit: God dammit… Node SA has it! FFS
(so when you go to DL it Fuzz, switch to SA)

Edit Edit: FFS, i even changed and restarted etc…. and its still metering me WTF?

games games games

Frontlines is a hackers paradise, play if you want to get burned :P

Now Stalker SOC, THAT is a bloody awesome game.

The earlier screenshot doesnt do its engine justice (made in house by russians, you know its good).

Recent mods for the game have made the textures photorealistc and introduced new storyline and weapons

Fuzz's picture


Damn, sales are over. Would have bought Stalker for $2 too.

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