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Revision of Star Trek Online: taH pagh, taH be ? from Sat, 23/01/2010 - 22:51

Hashy's picture


So for the past week or so, I’ve been trying out the Star Trek Online Open Beta. Being the lifelong trek fan that I am, I felt I needn’t let the opportunity slip by, as new Star Trek games have been few and far between the past few years now. In the early 2000’s there was an over abundance of Trek games. Sure, most of them were crap.

Star Trek Online probably, most of the time, plays more like the Starfleet Command series of games. However, your not always confined to space battles. You can beam to select planets, as part of missions, and participate in ground based stages, very similiar to most MMO combat (click your enemy, and keep clicking!!!), as well as to certain stations to trade, and receive new missions.

Now if your very very hardcore star trek, you may find the excessive customization options to be somewhat out of step with Star Treks signature “standardization” of ships, uniforms, equipment, ect. MMO strikes again! Ships are fully customizable between the different models of the same class, mix and match. It can get very disturbing, and confusing. The same is true of the customization of uniforms. But again, part and parcel of the MMO experience, I am sure..

*My latest ship. Nova class science vessel. Soon to be wiped from the beta for all eternity =)

Probably the beta buggyness gave me too much of a negative impression of the game, but since there have been patches (over 900MB of em), which seem to have addressed most of the little tingly issues.
In all honesty, I am seriously contemplating a ‘LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION’ to this one. Really trying to still weight the benefits of doing that, but really, in 12 months time, the game could be gone. You just cant say at this early stage.
I think that if some members of the team were interested in participating in this game, that would encourage me more to get the subscription for it, however, my senses being fairly accurate, much of the time ( just not lately, always wrong, hah!), I would safely guess that none of you are interested. HAHA.

Still, there are a few days left of the open beta, too late to get in on now, but if you are interested, hopefully they will have some trial accounts, so you would be able to give it a try, and see what you think.

Now, MMO’s are the same as games like Morrowind,Oblivion,Fallout3, in that, you can lose track of time playing these games soo easily. If I have a day I rather not deal with, and just want to get thru, I just play Oblivion or Fallout3, and that day disappears. MMO’s, I have discovered, produce the same kind of time warping effect, compared with, traditional FPS games, Counter Strike, Quake Wars, ect. This just does not bode well, for those of us which have enough trouble as it is, keeping ourselves organized for our day to day lives. xD

Your thought on this one? and MMO’s in general?

taH pagh, taH be? ( to be or not to be?_


Robag's picture

hmmm looks

interesting hashy, do not fear good buddy Hashy i am a treky as well, i have read some of the reviews in atomic.
From memory it did not rate to high.

but TBH i do like the concept.

Robag looks for his spoke ears lol


HarassmentPanda's picture

Maybe for me

I like star trek, I like games but I’m really not sure about MMO because I like games that “finish” ;-)

Sha8doW's picture

can we all be

on the same crew?

Begs not the red shirt!

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