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Revision of 35 Terabyte Magnetic Cartridges, by IBM from Wed, 27/01/2010 - 18:05

Hashy's picture


So something I had thought about from time to time.. Gazing out or collection of hundreds of VHS.. What sort of revivals will become for the blessed magnetic storage media that has gotten us where we are today.

Quiet suitable for the mass backing up/storage of secure-cam footage. I’m rather sure it would be susceptible to the usual suspects when it comes to magnetic tapes. Mostly wear and tear, and environmental degradation factors.

The one big solar storm that will fry every unprotected electrical circuit, powerline, transformer IN THE WORLD, I think is pretty sure to scramble all of our magnetic storage media too ( Hard drives..Ohh yes.. ESPECIALLY WESTERN DIGITALS!!).

But still, it is nice to see how much they can squeeze out of the old types of technology. Still has it uses. =)


Fuzz's picture


35 TB… that’s bloody amazing. You’re right, that’d still be more than useful for backing up.

the magnetic tape is 800 meters in length and one and a half inch wide


Sha8doW's picture


so the commodore 64 was doing it right…. who would have guessed?

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