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Revision of WhereTF is Shad from Mon, 22/02/2010 - 22:57

Sha8doW's picture

WTF has shad been up to…..?

We know he moved house but gosh he has been quiet!

Well, here is part one…

I cant find a photo of the whole site, but here is an example of what i started with

Better get a backhoe

Thats looking better already

Time for some Fill!

lil more over in that corner

60 cubes… still not level!
Lets get that road base sorted gents… i’ve got another delivery comming

Here she is!

350 SqMtrs… count em boys!

Ya missed a bit shad….

hang one what you makin!?

Look at that swager… one of the few photos you’ll ever see of the Shad!
Ohhh looks interesting… is that rain tho?

Shad’s response to being asked if he thinks its gunna stop raining soon….

What shad was looking at

Oh… time to build in the garage… so no photos till the finished product!
Finally the rain stopped and it could be carried (in many parts) 300kgs later to the site and setup…..

To form VOLTRON… ahhh the kids playset!

Part one of “Where the F is shad” concludes… more to follow


Fuzz's picture


Lookin good Shad! I like how I can’t see another place within miles. That’s some good serenity.

Robag's picture

omfg that is awwwwwssssooommmmeeeeee

well Fuzz
looks like Shad moved to your state
time to come to canberra Fuzz :)

love your work shad


Fuzz's picture

Holy moly

In my quick check this morning b4 leaving for work I missed the play set. That’s better than Voltron! (And Voltron rules).

Robag's picture


what was the pipe you used under the turf


n0mad's picture

Like the Play Set

Great Pics Shad….

L00k f0rward t0 bringing my little 1 t0 play in the play set, a Leisurely Drive 1 Weekend :P


Sha8doW's picture

The black pipe?

Detonation cord… For the gophers!

Nah it’s actually soaker/drip hose, why?

Sha8doW's picture

Come anytime

Your all welcome to come visit anytime

Microman's picture

When I'm older...

I’ll come over for a beer or ten :-)


Rayne looks at the pics and thinks “Damn where was a guy like Shad 23 years ago?”

“Oh gosh darn it, that’s right …. just coming out of nappies” Thumps table

Rayne is thinking maybe Rayne was so totally born in the wrong generation lol.

As for question about the rain well “Just Go Already” can probably answer that.

Looks great Shad we missed you

Love Rayne

Robag's picture

one of

the guys at work was wondering what brand it was and where you got it from.
his “boss woman” wants him to do the same thing


Sha8doW's picture

Well I'm yet to see if itworks....

I am yet to see if it works, las time I did it I burrows it and on a much smaller scale! Pressure is a bigproblem!

Sha8doW's picture

MissEd you too

Moases you to rayne glad to see you back! My new pcs mobo is on back order won’t get it till 1st week of march. I’m comming as fast as I can!

Microman's picture


/me highlights “drip feeder”

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