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Revision of Kizashi from Sun, 09/05/2010 - 23:38

Sha8doW's picture

Hang on…

Why didn’t he tell us he was in the automotive design and development business with Suzkui?
Well personally, I think there should have been more IPX badges on the vehicle Kazashi, and IPX should be get a cut of the profits.

But it seems they’ve (suzuki) have done the dirty and screwed poor kazashi over! They’ve dumped him and changed the name! (however slightly)
trying to swoon the aussie car maket using play on words in order to achieve a likeness which people know they can trust (Kazash and IPX)

WTF are you on about shad? I hear you say….

Watch the vids and click the links… but before you do, note: IPX founding member Kasazhi – IPX. Stand up stonewall goaltender to be reckoned with!

Name: Kazashi
Position: Goal Tender
Jersey Number: 13
Favourite Quote: “Hmmm….”
Team description of Kazashi: “he’s gunna lay the Smashdown on you!” or “Ask Kazashi… hes the brains of this operation!”


Hashy's picture


Kazashi’s missus already drives a Suzuki, and I hear they’re thinking of getting a new car sometime in the vaguely foreseeable near future.

I mean, cmon! Seriously, some force in the Universe is obviously trying to show them that THIS is their new car!! CMON CMON!!! DONATE TO THE KIZASHI HUMBLE CAR BUNDLE TODAY!! xD

Kazashi's picture

If they call the next one Ihsazak I'll be worried!

Just to clarify, she drives a Corolla Sportivo, but she has driven a friend’s Grand Vitara around a bit and really likes it.

Looking at something like a RAV4 for the next car (in the not-too-near future), but I’d prefer something that has a low range gearbox myself. AWD may be nice, but those steep dirt tracks need a little bit extra!

Having said that, I would like to thank Suzuki for considering me as an automotive emblem (despite the fact I can’t drive), and to contact me for the address to send the royalty cheques and cash-filled envelopes to.

Sha8doW's picture


lol @ hashy saying a toyota is a suzuki

lol @ the fact my 2nd car is a suzkui…. actually, over my life of owning 6 cars…. 2 of them have been Suzukis (2 have also been toyotas, but they were both RAV4’s, the current one is just the new version of the old one… so does that count?)

so im a suzuki man?

Hashy's picture

looks the same

I swear, it looks the fucking same that Sportivo, just shorter.

Having a drink to the creativity of car designers. Bunch of lazy fucks.

Toyota Carolla, Holden Apollo.

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