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Revision of Chokito from Sun, 09/05/2010 - 23:57

Sha8doW's picture

Well, I am suprised n0mad hasnt posted this!
(I’m sure he’s gunna say something, its a well know fact he is a “chokito fan!”)

Looks like a campagin to “revive” (n0mad will say it was never dead) the humble chokito. The ads are pretty funny I must say.
there is even a facebook page

Well all I have to say is screw facebook and screw norway. Chokito’s may be good but facebook is twitters crack whore.

but the “chokito says NO NO NO to “just a little bite” ad” – so true

More in the blog

n0mad… i think you’ve got something to say?


n0mad's picture

Chokito gets you going

was the catch fraze back in the 70’s and I grew up eating these in my lunch b0x.

C0mp0und ch0c0late was in the 0riginal f0rmula but have disregarded it for
caramel fudge with rice crispies, covered in chocolate.

Yes I have tried the new taste and n0 n0 n0 I will n0t st0p eating them… :P

I like Ch0kit000000000 O 000000’s


Microman's picture


Love the NO NO NO to bouncers.

Robag's picture



you know you want one,
I loves these but just like a polywaffel

don’t leave one floating in a pool


chipper's picture

best bar ever

i love em, along with poly waffle :( RIP poly waffle and damn you generation Y and your ever increasing desire for something new. stick with the classics i say!!

n0mad's picture

I say n0 n0 n0

Sha8doW's picture

good find!

NO NO NO to heaps of stuff


Well at least this advertising is not boring and I would watch them. I am not going to be able to get “chokito” out of my head now. Austrailia is sporting these commercials in style and I am liking them.

n0mad's picture

n0 n0 n0 t0 water

It c0mes fr0m the sky pe0ple….


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