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Revision of Robag gets a mention from Mon, 12/07/2010 - 22:01

Sha8doW's picture



Microman's picture

Part of the game

Nothing special, the game likes to make the magazine relevant to the audience, so it goes through your friends list.

Fuzz and Robag show up a lot on my magazine.

bfbc2 fails at this

dirt2 2 kicks its arse in lobby, friends list, don’t like microsoft live much, but once you get used to its layout it works pretty well. By the way my son has been playing this game alot so if im not replying to invites and messages on steam its because hes playing. I’m feeling limp. Hes better than me.

Microman's picture


BFBC2 fails with encouraging people to use diverse weapons. For example, the mines instead of the CG, the SV98 instead of the M95… This is very frustrating when you have somebody (not as good as Deadite) who spams one weapon (the CG) for days. It is a major pain.

Don’t worry limpy, your NZ hacks gives you a good game every time. You are great at this :-)

i don't mind

much people settling on one or two weapons, i’m diff a an-94 whore, m24 is better than the m95. CG is the only thing that pisses me off, but i get over it. secret to my nz hacks is how cold it is, i’m shacking from the cold so much my hand keeps moving uncontroled across the mouse pad, auto aim kinda.
better than just four weapons in quake. But quake so much more depth and funny shit. I didn’t know what spawn hosts did for 4 months.

Sha8doW's picture

Most epic finish eva!

Fuzz's picture



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