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Revision of Mobile Upgrade - Nokia 2310 to Nokia 7230 from Thu, 22/07/2010 - 03:27
m0rnin all,
Finally upgraded my ph0ne. Was using a Nokia 2310
Am n0w running this, relatively advanced Nokia 7230
Biggest c0mplaint pr0bably w0uld be RECEPTI0N. I decided t0 stick with V0dkaf0ne, better the z0mbeh c0rp0rati0n 0f death y0u are already familiar with I say (Optus recently screwed me 0ver in regards to a sim card I didn’t activate in time, strike them fr0m my list. Telstra & me have n0t mixed since I was 11 years 0ld.)
2G recepti0n in my area is better then 3G recepti0n with v0daf0ne h0wever, pr0bably why I’ve seen pe0ple carrying ar0und tw0 ph0nes m0st 0f the time, great f0r the ph0ne c0mpanies hahhaha. I’ll have t0 keep the 0ld 2G ph0ne recharged 0nce a year t0 keep that acc0unt & number alive.
I find s0me pe0ple have had issues with Nokia in the past ( typically, pe0ple wh0 bash their ph0ne when it d0esnt w0rk, thr0w it acr0ss the r00m when it d0esn’t w0rk..ect..), but my experience with the last 4 phones that I have had, all being Nokia, I have few little c0mplaints.
The 7230 supp0rts s0me level 0f Java Applicati0ns (J2MC i thiink?). Already g0ne ab0ut adding in a few extra things here and there, games, ect.
I put on this and was quickly and easily able t0 access the Teams IRC. Awes0me. Als0 the Opera Mini already 0n the ph0ne gets 0nt0 plenty 0f websites with en0ugh ease. I can check the still Radar images from the Bureau of Meteorology , s0 I can see if any ph0ne killing rain is 0n the way while I am 0ut and ab0ut.
Easily ab0ut t0 access the teams site t00. Much fun. =p
s0 as this level 0f ph0ne techn0l0gy f0r many 0f y0u may seem insignificant, it is a huge leap f0rward f0r me. 0fc0urse I w0uld always find myself, 0nce having the chance t0 get used t0 this ph0ne, wanting it t0 be able t0 d0 m0re, but f0r n0w, I am rather satisfied.
Als0, the inbuilt maps are rather nice t00. Sh0uld be able t0 buy a GPS Bluet00th receiver t0 c0nnect t0 the ph0ne t0 give a current l0cati0n 0n the maps. Rather nice indeedy.
g0ing t0 give the tedi0us, maybe imp0ssible task (f0r my ph0ne m0del anyway), 0f having my 0wn h0me internet w0rking 0n my ph0ne via the bluet00th.
One final thing really, Nokia PC Suite.. Nice.. Made it a heck of al0t less hassle t0 just type in the c0ntacts and details fr0m my 0ld ph0ne 0n the c0mputer, and have that transmit/sync t0 the new ph0ne. Can als0 read and resp0sed t0 all my SMS this way. Fun. =p
Bitchin' Eagle
Very nice Hashy. Love the background.
Backgr0unds & .mp3 t0nes
Yes its very nice t0 have a ph0ne that can put cust0m backgr0unds and the like in. Als0, I have waited like, 10 years, t0 have the in game email alert s0und fr0m Tribes 2 as my SMS alert t0ne…. Satisfacti0n Guaranteed.
“Incomming Transmission.” Ahhhhh…. =)
In the photo with the two phones i have that exact note pad sitting on my desk.
n0kia all my life…..
Great ph0nes the n0kia but lately all ph0nes have a sh0rt BUILD life span
I’m currently l00king f0r a new ph0ne myself I just want a simple ph0ne…………
HTC s0und g00d, the ch0ices the ch0ices…..
well you know
you could say screw norway to microsoft and go all out with a google os phone
HTC Desire
Colourhide & HTC
matt, Colourhide ;p
HTC were at the t0p 0f my list when searching f0r a new ph0ne. t00 many 0pti0ns. In the end I had basically decided I didn’t wanna spend hundreds 0n a new m0bile just yet, rather a replacement f0r my basic ph0ne, and be able t0 put m0re m0ney int0 my first lapt0p. Been eying the Len0v0 U1, g0nna c0st ab0ut $1200-$1500 0r where ab0uts in there s0mewhere.. When the release the bl00dy thing! Will be able t0 use my n0kia as a dialup (shudders) m0dem f0r the lapt0p/n0te/netb00k (lets just call it a super zerg hybrid shall we?), but will pr0bably end up getting a 3G USB m0dem f0r it. I think the U1 will fit perfectly in my pack. Be able t0 take it 0ut bush and enj0y the disc0nnecti0n fr0m the techn0l0gical w0rld and stresses 0f the techn0l0gical life in the bush, by, bringing with me, a piece 0f techn0l0gy. haha
Further d0wn the track, I will be eying a HTC smartph0ne. Even they have t00 many bl00dy ch0ices, it b0ggles me.
just Get an Iphone.
you should see the IPX shit i’ve got on that!
IPhone 4G 32GB for $999 Unlocked
Yeah, I have “thought” ab0ut bl0wing a grand 0n an IPhone 4. But then I think, wait, its Apple, they’re a bunch of lying dicks wh0 d0nt care ab0ut their cust0mers and think they’re idi0ts, and d0n0t pay the due r0yalties t0 0ther c0mpanies f0r using their patents, and I think n0.
That, and I’m Left handed. ;p
n0 iNept-Ph0ne f0r me,I’m better then that. Probably g0 a HTC s0metime next year. S00 many ch0ices th0, thats 0ne thing that held me back fr0m getting 0ther brands th0. Only thing I give Apple credit f0r, is keeping their pr0duct base simple and straight f0rward.
Nokia 7230
read your review about nokia 7230, will be buying one soon, but i want like the one u have, have been searching for colors apart from black, graphite and pink…. preferably want a purple one. therefore kindly guide if its just a case that you can change or it is available in those colors.
thank you, rgds
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