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Revision of Enemy Territory Quake Wars from Fri, 23/07/2010 - 23:53

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (ET:QW) is a first-person shooter video game, and is the follow-up to Quake 4. However, it is
set in the same science fiction universe as Quake II and Quake 4, with a minimal back-story serving as a prequel to Quake II.
It is the second multiplayer-focused game in the Quake series (after Quake III Arena). Quake Wars features similar gameplay
to Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, but with the addition of controllable vehicles and aircraft as well as multiple AI deployables,
asymmetric teams, much larger maps and the option of computer-controlled bots. Unlike the previous Enemy Territory game,
Quake Wars is a commercial release rather than a free download.
IPX Awards
IPX 2007 Awards
IPX 2008 Awards
See Servers page.
Team IPX ET:QW Statistics: Working Link
BattleTracker ET:QW:
Quake Wars player statistics & configurable signature creator:
GA Pro Mod Game Server Requirements
Drop c0nsole and type
seta cl_freelook 1
seta net_clientprediction 20
ETConfig is probably the largest script resource site for all ET games (ET, ET:QW & RtCW) on the web. It contains guides, downloads and much, much more.
Enemy Territory Quake Wars 4 Newbies
The complete starter guide for ET:QW. Developed by Michael “Ifurita” Kan this site contains everything you would ever want to know about the game.
ETQW Tools
This site contains ETQW Tweak Cvars, launchers and links to downloads for other ET:QW resources such as utilities, maps and mods.
ETQW Tools V2
This site contains ETQW Files that may be of interest to you.
ETQW Tracker Community Site
Lots of interesting stuff for ETQW including news, previews, screenshots, downloads and of course stats tracking for players and clans.
Official ETQW Community Site
As the name says this is the official community site for ETQW; news, articles, forums, dev blog, events, servers, statistics and officially recognised links.
Splatterladder for ETQW
Splatterladder’s site for ETQW containing stats, downloads, news and forums.
Planet Quake Wars
Config Guide
Guides, info, downloads (including custom maps) and much, much more.
Key Binds for ETQW
What to know how to setup custome keybinds in your ETQW, here is the place to start
Team IPX ETQW Configs
More custome keybinds for your ETQW
Team IPX ETQW Server at Home
What to run you own ETQW Server at home here is how to get it up and running
For all you etqw Pro needs
ETQWPro wiki
The wiki contains some nice information including a full list of pro cvars and a retail cvar list
ETQW For Newbies – Demo’s CVars
Really good Cvars for playback of demos
Kraizen Step by Step for playing back demos
IPX Custom Map Pack V2.1
302MB of Custom maps.
Alternatively you can download each map individually here
Just remember to grab the megatexture file for each map and place them into your megatexture directory