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Revision of Happybelated Birthday Tyler Jay aka Sha8doW the 2nd from Tue, 31/08/2010 - 15:56

Robag's picture

omg has it been a year already + 1 day

for the IPXer’s who weren’t around Broken Water

Happy Birthday TJ



n0mad's picture


Happy Birthday


Sha8doW's picture


Thanks ro,
you were trying to remember the date sooooo hard! kept saying it’s today, it’s today! Then ya go an miss it by a day!

the young fella had a good time tho!
Fair amount of second child syndrome from alot of people tho!
Love the little tacker 1 year on
best things ever -kids

Microman's picture

Happy Birthday!

Glad to hear he had a good one :-)

chipper's picture


Bloody hell time goes quick!

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