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Revision of My Dinner from Tue, 31/08/2010 - 20:47

Envy me.


Sha8doW's picture

i hate you matt

take that knife and promptly stab yourself…. anywhere will do!

LOL, dont let my kids see that… thats the kinda thing they want!

my wife

only gives me angry notes at the computer. Want to swap?

Sha8doW's picture

The computer!?

Your lucky! Mine just leaves them on the kitchen bench or the bedroom door!
Dunno how she expects me to see them considering she turns the lights off with the shits!
I’ve once found the one on the bed room door, but that was just luck really, I’d never had see it if it I I hadn’t run into the bedroom door, which she slammed shut with the shits and turned the light off!

We need an IPX wives group!

I find it funny that the only IPX wife who doesn’t seem to go crazy with the shits at their husband “playing computer games” is named “crazy as”

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