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Revision of L4D2 on sale for $9.99 USD from Thu, 28/10/2010 - 11:32
so any of you that missed out last time pick it up now for $10.
Also while yu’re there pick up Dogfighter for $1.50
i think we have 8 copies floating around.
I also found a video of KillerSL
best bits are
3:30mins and
5:30 mins.
Epic NZ guy.
9 Copies
Two 4 packs, and my copy.
10 copies
Two 4 packs, MM’s copy, and mine :)
L4D2 – get it! It is worth it…. especially if you get a kiwi to gift it (ta Blood)
i just got it, not steam version though. No steam for my PC, thanks.
Cost me 28 or some shit. I gave up smoking so who cares.
Can you re buy it?
Is it possible to remove it and rebuy it to get an uncensored gifty?
Psst matt...
See what can be achieved when u quit smokin?
no i dont
cause i didn’t quit smoking AND I still got a copy.
i ordered a hard copy. So i cant cancel it. it is probably already in the mail.
I just hated that steam, so i uninstalled it, and any game that used it.
Valve Games...
Left 4 Dead 2 is a valve game, and steam is a valve made software. You may have bought the hard copy, but I think you still have to play it through steam.
Steam = Valve.
No offence Johnny, but WHY don’t you like steam? Sure the latest version isn’t as good as it used to be! But I really don’t understand the hate champagine which people crusade against steam?
Can you elaborate on your hate?
not worried, if i am a back
not worried, if i am a back in steam, then so be it.
Just hate heaps of intrusive advertising type things, thats all.
EXPLAIN: My freakn ATI driver thingo advertises games, cmon, just give the fukn driver without all this marketing.
What’s all this about hating champagne?
i don't like steam
coz why should I have to play a game thru it!!!!!!! should be optional.
As in the wine guys, Fuzz is taking the piss :-D,
Campaign is what you guys are talking about.
i bought it
37.8mb d/l of 1 bazillion I will join you soon my precious
does this game actually need any skill?
hanging out 4 brink and civ 5 is good hit me up if you play it
to see a K/D ratio in this game. m60 down a hall way with mindless zombies exploding and piling up. its funz.
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