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Revision of Black Ops from Tue, 09/11/2010 - 13:46

Just COD.

Same as COD4. Same sound and graphics.

eg.“Enemy care package”, spam, spam, die, rage quit.


not surprised

MW2 was a POS so no more $$$ on cod


seems with all the cod games, it rewards hiding in a corner. If you like to run gun and aim you get slaughtered. Quake wars ruined us all.

Sha8doW's picture


its a console game, console fail….
only reason it will do well is cause its console, it was PC only it would fail…. cause its fail console orientated

Just bought it

Installing now and will tell you what its like.

so its

been a few days now, is the game growing on you guys that bought it. BFBC2 seems just broken now after that last patch, i’m getting the itch for something new, but have never really enjoyed cod games.

its not bad

but its not good either.
some of the things are annoying but meh.

i think i have given up on bc2 now and wont play pubs anymore.

but bo is sort of fun to play its just more about aim running.

also i hate duck diving, one of the best things bc2 did was to take out prone.

It is ok

It is kind of fun.

I am still a BF guy though. If you are short of cash, dont buy it. It isn’t great, just sort of fun.

Hashy's picture

Smelly FIsh

Smelly Fish is bad, its the n0rwgian way.

Team IPX says n0! t0 COD.

ok no

smelly fish for me, back to lfd2, broken company and maybe some css.

Hashy's picture


F10 f0r aut0aim & wallhax!!! its ftw!!

CSS just rules =)


explain, i am a simple child, css is fun, its amazing how a game as old as this has better hit rego and maps than bfbc2

i was just being positive

BlackOps sucks balls really, especially for the price.

I play bf2 the most now, it is an old game. BlackOps is just a boredom purchase.

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