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Revision of Mykonos Resturant Parramatta - Review from Sat, 26/02/2011 - 22:35

Sha8doW's picture

Well, you know if someones got the time to tap out a resturant review while he is still in the resturant, it’s
pretty bad!
Mykonos, cnr marsden and maquarie st in parramatta. Over priced, underdelivered on the meals, cutting costs all over the place…

Drinks – Boasting about their cocktails and shots on arrival but out of stock of the content to 5 out of 8 different types ordered. Not a good look. But what they did make, was very good! Recommend the jellyfish!

Food – As stated above, where is the rest of the meal? Supposed
to be a banquet 10 courses, I counted 3, 4 if you include the bread/salad whxih was on the table before we arrived! What was served was aweful chicken sqewers and sausages – like the ones you get for cheap from the deli in coles or wollies… Best they offered was some tempura (deep fried) fish cocktails…. But mr spiros from the local fish n chips could also knock up something of equal quality

this review is done in the same forthright manner as my badabing stripclub and the woollies dishwashing tablets…

Overall, very disipointing!
1 star out of 5
“for shame”

Shad – I hope this review goes to the top of google with a rocket and people read!
Best I can hope is that things change, otherwise your trip to Mykonos will be disipointing!


Robag's picture

wait wat

“no freaking desert?”

you know mother Russia people get shot for that

screw norway and screw “Mykonos Resturant”


Microman's picture

To get more traffic...

How can a restaurant owner think that is okay..!? That’s ridiculous.

This review will enlarge you penis! It will also overclock your computer, and get women to like you!

Sha8doW's picture


Might also give you L4D & L4D2 DLC, along with cheats for COD Black Ops micro! But best yet, it will teach you how to make money through the stock market and property investment! (you might get some free porn somewhere too)!

n0mad's picture


n0 desert I l00k at the desert menu first h0w can they n0t include desert Shad this is an 0utrage….

After clicking this I als0 0ne 1st prize I just need 2 send the Nigerian prince my bank acc0unt details :p


Microman's picture

This restaurant...

This restaurant must be the restaurant from hell Norway!

Cheap Viagra. Free Porn. Penis Enlargement. Russian Bride. Left 4 Dead. COD Black Ops.

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