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Revision of Brink Pre-Order from Tue, 12/04/2011 - 15:54

For all of you that missed out on the steam $49.99 pre order i have some brink prices for you

$47.99 Amazon Really good price

$89.99 Steam

$89.00 Jb Hi-Fi


I will update it if i find more :)

God I can’t wait for this game



what is the release date matt?

May 20th

just over a month. But they may do the same thing as homefront and release it on the same day worldwide.

n0mad's picture


Brink SteelBook Edition – EB Games – $88.00

Actually this game might B g00d :P



can’t wait either. how come ozgameshop is so much cheaper? is there some higher postage charge you then pay?


love the dev saying, snipers don’t bother go play another game if you want 1 hit kills.
Should be fun, even went and played qwet last night for old times sake, holyshit the homefront forums would have a heartattack if they changed the weapons to that. So much more fun, straff shooting, objective base, no camping in corners, 3 to 4 shots to the head, diff types of objectives.

yeah by the sounds of it

they have taken some of the best parts of QW and mixed in some new elements.
I really really really really really really really hope they have the head shot ding.(really)

Sha8doW's picture

I thinks it's a crime

That the steam pre-order has doubled in price!


Never had high hopes but that vid makes me look ford to it a little.
Sounds like it might be quite good. And loved that guy talking about snipers wot a legend.

Also like the classes

lol looks like

The people on the forums don’t like it when you make a new topic with out searching first.

Bethesda Softworks Forums=

Splash Damage Forums

Rage is funny :)


use the search button next time please, u won’t be told again, got it, really, understand, or else, really.
I hope crazy comes to brink, i so miss her t bagging skilz. The lastest vids are looking more hopeful of a good game.

Crazy will more then

likely get it.

Also you are not my real dad you cant tell me what to do :P


make me come over there young man.

Why Deadite Want


  • NO rocket spam
  • NO vehicle spam
  • NO hang back snipers (Hush Matt!)
  • Sticky Grenades that can only be knocked off by teammates (should be fun)
  • EMP grenades that not only neutralize turrets, but also slow down the the timer on HE Charges.
  • All grenades do little damage (unlike COD) so players will have to use them strategically rather than spamming for kills.
  • Medics don’t automatically pick you up, instead you are handed a revive syringe that you can choose to use
    immediately or later when the firefight has settled down (so no more being revived into enemy fire like in BFBC2).
  • 16 player servers (8 vs 8) so games will be less cluttered and more personal like clan matches.
  • Character and weapon customization looks amazing (I think i will spend more time dressing up than actually playing :S)
  • Parkour movement using the SMART system will allow Deadite to be sneakier and more irritating than ever (hehe)
  • There is an ability that indicates to you when an unseen player has you in their cross hairs and shows the general direction in which they are viewing you from (backrage prevention!)


  • Medics can unlock a self-revive ability (so i may have to kill someone twice??)
  • Cortex Bomb which is much like martyrdom in CoD except the downed player can decide when to detonate it (Seems a little cheap).
  • Downed Fire which is much like last stand from CoD allowing the player to shoot while incapacitated (Annoying as hell)
  • There are grenade launchers so noob toobing may become a problem.

But at the end of the day, this is SplashDamage! W:ET and ET:QW were awesome games
and creative director Richard Ham has himself admitted that “Brink is Enemy Territory 3. Let’s not mince words here.”
So yes, Deadite want. Deadite want bad.
Pre ordered on Steam already :)


shut up already, i’m getting horny, the game looks good to

you're still a jerk deadite

and how are you going to live with out hanging back,prone eaiting for ppl to enter your cross-hairs ?

Hashy's picture

Watched Trailer... Im in

I’m in. 0nly c0mplaint is I’m n0t a fan 0f the anarchist l00kalike artw0rk/kitup, but that n0t having much 0f a bearing 0n gameplay, it sh0uld w0rk 0ut rather nicely =)

Sha8doW's picture

Downed fire

If it’s done like L4D it should be ok (I.E slow rate of fire, little damage, zero accuracy, slow reload)
Also if it’s like qw and you can jib someone or a headshot/explosion insta kills it will be more realistic!

I just lol at the 1on1 fire fight which ends in a 1on1 downed firefight only for “rule of boobs” to come over and TBag both players!!!

New video for brink

its still on console but doesn’t look bad.

Microman's picture

I want!

I want this game! At the moment, it’s $100 for the box (comes with DLC)

So yeah, I missed the preorder, but It’s not too expensive at the moment.

Will buy it when I get my money deposited :-)


the release date has been brought forward a week, now the 13th may for aus


I like that the medic dosnt revive when he wants to he gives you the needle and you revive yourself cos i hated in bc2 when a medic would revive you in the middle of open ground.


come on, nothing like reviving in the middle of a fire fight, better than running half way across the desert, just to die again. Revives win games, just messes with peoples k’ds thats why everybody hates it in bc2. In QW:et the medic coming in reviving everybody was for the win, but nobody minded because k’d didn’t show at the end of the round. Will be interesting if this way is better or people just lie there and let the medic die because they they don’t want to take the risk, we will see.

$47.99 at Amazon

and you get the the Psycho Pack.
Thats $45.99 AUD

Sha8doW's picture

Linky matt

That could be the one for shad!

link is updated

in the main post shad. Only problem is I think its from the US so A) I’m not sure its reign coded and B) might take a few days to get to you.

Just updated the price from GAME

its $69.00 with free delivery so its not too bad.

Dirt 3 for $74.00 aswell.

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