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Revision of New Brink Video's from Thu, 28/04/2011 - 09:39

New Brink video’s out show some of the basics and explains the objectives.



Matt at this rate you will overtake Robag in no time!

Just doing

my part to keep the IPX site filled with content.

Microman's picture

Not to be a grammar Nazi...

Videos doesn’t have a ‘ in it…


all good MM i didnt think about that: i just wanted to get in the vedio’s before. deadite did?

Microman's picture

Rewritten with better grammar!

All good MM. I didn’t think about that, I just wanted to get in the videos before Deadite did.


Brink Dedicated Server FAQ

We’ve had a lot of questions about the dedicated servers for the PC version of Brink lately, so we’ve thrown together answers to the most common questions out there. The big news is that the dedicated server files will be freely available, so anyone will be able to put up servers for Brink.

Before we dive into the rest of the stuff, as noted over on Bethblog, we’re also working to ensure you’ll be able to pre-load Brink on Steam prior to release. We’ll let you know once we have more information in regards to timeframes and such.

And now, on to the questions:

What is the Brink Standalone Dedicated Server?
The Brink Standalone Dedicated Server allows anyone to run multiplayer servers for the PC version of Brink. As the server is standalone, it does not require a full version of Brink to be installed and is completely free.

Where will I be able to get the Brink Standalone Dedicated Server?
The Brink Standalone Dedicated Server will be available for download via Steam prior to release. Once the server is available, you can simply browse to the Tools tab in your Steam client and grab it from there.

Will I be able to run several instances of the Brink Standalone Dedicated Server on a single machine?
Yes. The Brink Standalone Dedicated Server comes with several premade bat files that automatically define different ports for each instance. It’s also possible for you to set your own, custom ports.

In terms of available game options, how customizable will the Brink Standalone Dedicated Server be?
The Brink Standalone Dedicated Server includes several different game configuration files covering all of the regular game modes, including campaign, stopwatch, objective, and co-op challenges. In addition, there are a variety of server-side commands available that allow you to further customize your server, including team sizes, time limits and overtime, warm-up rules, friendly fire, voice chat, availability of Command Post buffs, rank restrictions, number of bots, and password.

I represent a Game Server Provider. How can my company offer servers for Brink?
Easy! Once the Standalone Dedicated Server is available on Steam, you’ll be able to start getting Brink game servers up for your customers. We’re currently aiming to have the server files available before release so you’ll be all set when the game comes out.

General Gameplay

Sha8doW's picture


For preload!


is this right, we have.
3.jib fallen enemies
4.server files on release vehicle spam knife lunge insta kill work to complete objectives
8.real diff in the classes, heavy to skinny, so a real dif type of opproach for each.
9.custom tatts, huge customization for your man. bush wookie sniper rifle.

what were they thinking?

Pinge's picture

GA and Brink

Hi All,

I was asked a few questions recently about Brink and GA.
So I went off and asked the relevant people about it.
They have now set up a forum on GA for Brink.

They will also be running dedicated servers.
And ladders will depend on activity and enthusiasm.

But sounds like they are gearing up for it.

So thought I would drop in and pass on the info to you.



I was asked a few questions recently about Brink and GA.

It was me

Microman's picture

Word Wrap

I believe that is a word wrap fail!


Pinge's picture

It was...

and it gave me an excuse to pop into the IPX house to say hello.
So it was a good thing (for me) that I was asked.


No prone

fairly sure there is no prone

what u

say, i was un sure about that one, but would be good if it wasn’t in there. does keep things movin.

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