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Revision of Duke Nukem Forever Dem0 n0w live 0n STEAM from Sat, 04/06/2011 - 15:42

n0mad's picture

Last year I menti0ned ab0ut the Duke Nukem First Access Club Key
Well the dem0 is n0w available via Steam

Step 1
l0g int0 the First Access Club at

Step 2
Once given y0ur Steam Code f0ll0w these steps

Will the dem0 sh0w the games true c0l0urs 0r will we all B let d0wn…..Lets C

0hh and if U are feeling left 0ut f0r n0t having a key try this
I kn0w Shad may enj0y this mini-game……

Full Demo can be downloaded from here


We have shrunk all players while in the Duke Burger Level – umm Padman any0ne ?

Final Th0ughts After Playing the Dem0 and watching the Multiplayer Aspect
Hard t0 give an 0pi0n 0n a game after playing 0nly the limited Single Player and n0 Multiplayer at all and f0r s0me0ne wh0 l0ved Duke the first time r0und I think it c0mes d0wn t0 this, Duke was a gaming milest0ne because U g0t the feeling that U c0uld g0 anywhere in the map and it felt like y0u weren’t b0xed in like 0ther games and it had U c0nstantly m0ving t0 av0id the stand still 0r U’ll die scener0 but after playing the dem0 it feels like they have c0ntinued the m0ve 0r get killed part but the b0xed in Level Design approach and linear levels with the th0ught 0f smashing thru a grate and climbing in is c0mpletly l0st 0n these level designers and seeing aspects 0f Padman in the Multiplayer and als0 listening t0 gamers wh0 say in Multiplayer it’s a race t0 the R0cket Launcher and 0nce U have that, U 0wn…….

s0 where 2 fr0m here, well I think the Level Design is my biggest disapp0intment as in the dem0 U can’t climb int0 the stands f0r argument sake…
gee b0xed in any0ne ?

Duke Nukem Forever (DNF), Did Not Finish, Did Not Start and that’s where I stand I w0n’t being dr0pping my hard earn cash 0n s0methink s0 linear, s0 try hard, s0 unenj0yable (hey where’s ya p0sitivity n0mad ?) l0st in th0ught that I w0uld rather play Padman 0r Smokin Guns in Multiplayer than this really bad Level Designed crap….

Lets l00k back at why the Levels back in the 0rig0nal were s0 th0ught 0ut



Sha8doW's picture

Mmmnm mini game!

I’m dubious over this game “making it” once the nostalgia wears off!

its got boobs

can’t fail.

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