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Revision of Fuzz.... from Tue, 26/07/2011 - 11:59

Sha8doW's picture

I just called (you didn’t answer) to say I love you hand a 20 minute wait in the taxi line at Sydney airport with Laurie Daily

no much to talk about, considering I hate league!



is so svalbard whoring so i have to get in on it

Fuzz's picture


Oh screw you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dammit dammit dammit.

I had a dream last night Shad. You’d gone to someones bucks party, someone from another group from high school cos Trent Belling, Kate McDonald and a bunch of footy heads were there. I knew who was there because I woke up and someone had a posted a video of you all drunk.

You specifically were singing old grey mare she aint what she used to be…. and you were PISSED at whoever posted it.

Dammit. And now I’m pissed I didn’t get to spend 20 mins talking to Laurie Daley. Should have asked him about how many field goals he kicked.

Sha8doW's picture

It's not whoring

Considering how much I know fuzz would have loved to be there, and considering he didn’t answer his phone.

I suppose I could have used facebook!!!!

But IPX is better then FaceBook! (and I don’t have a face book) but were not here to talk about Roger Somerset)

Hashy's picture

wr0ng pers0n, wr0ng place

s0unds like y0u sh0uld have been there Fuzz =p

Nevermind hahaha

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