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Revision of n0GUNS #1: Smokln Guns Gaming Night from Thu, 13/10/2011 - 22:06
Hope you can join us for a few social games. For those that don’t know about it…
Smokin’ Guns is a full conversion/mod of the Quake 3 engine sending it back into the Old West.
The game focuses heavily on being a tad more realistic than most would be used to and a heap of research has gone into the weapons getting them right. Now don’t expect this game to be a flashy L4D. The fellas/teams who created this have done it purely for the love! No the graphics/modeling isn’t A1 and its a little buggy here and there but for all the minor defects, this game makes up for it with pure style… and its a fist full of style! best of all… its FREE
Smokin Guns
The home of Smokin Guns All the downloads and information you need for this excellent game.
Smokin Guns Free Files (Windows or Linux)
Smokin Guns V1.0 (hopefully the right version?)
sh0uldn’t this be called n0GUNS ?
0hh and 2 th0se IPX wh0 haven’t played Sm0kin Guns
It’s Free
It’s Wild Wild West sh00ting
It’s Funnnn……
Cya’s all in there 0n Friday
Dam that was quick chipper
U n0t trawl N R ya :P
Robag Server if U may :P
Firstly Robag y0ur assistance with the server w0uld B greatly appreciated
Sec0ndly can U l0ck it d0wn 2 a single MAP 0n r0tati0n s0 all next week we can all practice that MAP
I suggest maybe Backwater
0hh and yes we all must play the TRAIN map….
I'm there
W00t — although I think I lost my SmokinGuns install.
So bummed
The one game I have a chance in pwning most people… And I’m stuck traveling!
lol love the name
ok server is up
now it is not in the server browser, it is SG 1.0
use \connect
ThanX to all
wh0 c0uld make it………………….
A big ThanX t0 robag wh0 c0ntinues t0 pr0vide the Servers, Robag y0ur ACE….
A big FU t0 Telstra f0r still n0t fixing my ph0ne line, I n0w supp0rt the NBN t0 the fullest…..
And lastly a big sh0ut 0ut t0 Mrs n0mad wh0 still puts up with me gaming t0 the wee h0urs…..
0n a final n0te th0se IPXer’s wh0 haven’t tried Padman 0r Sm0kin Guns d0 s0 and U will find sum gaming fun can be f0und f0r free…
I couldn’t play, really hope it was an epic night and games!
Big support for new people trying this game
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