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Revision of Steam Forum Hacked - Accounts Compromised from Sat, 12/11/2011 - 05:45

Hashy's picture

m0rnin, literally…

Just read that the steam f0rum has been hacked. I d0nt kn0w wh0 exactly and h0w many it affects, but I rec0mmend that everyb0dy change their steam passw0rds just t0 be 0n the safe side. s0 far they say it 0nly affects steam f0rum acc0unts, but the pr0blem c0uld end up g0ing much deeper, better t0 be safe then s0rry. Im s0rry f0r sure, ive had an epically awes0me l0ng passw0rd 0n steam ever since its been ar0und that i may have t0 change n0w… First PSN, and n0w p0ssibly Steam… wh0s next??
glares at the apple st0re in h0peful anticipati0n


n0mad's picture

Gabe s0rry

Well Gabe is s0rry
d0n’t kn0w if that will cut it if my Credit Card details are used :(


m0rning Hashy

Hashy's picture


h0ws Skyrim n0mad? Still awes0me? xD

n0mad's picture

9 h0urs in Hashy

And yep this game is a keeper, al0t 0f bugs even starting the game I had t0 reduce my s0und to 24Bits, 44100Hz just t0 play with0ut crashes.
but 0nce fired up, set all setting t0 Medium and yep my aging 8800GTX runs at 50 FPS s0 very happy indeed…
Al0t 0f quests br0 but my game style 0f w0ndering ar0und d0ing ya 0wn things w0rks here very well…
U will enj0y 2…..


Hashy's picture

h0pefully t0day...

But m0re likely t0m0rr0w. Wednesday if I am hanging 0ut f0r it t00 much. It will c0me when I have the least time t0 spare! xD

Sha8doW's picture


Anymore details from this hacked perspective?

Hashy's picture

bit m0re..

Basically, they w0nt admit that Steam acc0unts themselves may have been c0mpr0mised, but they rec0mmend that pe0ple still change their Steam passw0rds. pe0ples credit cards are typically n0t ass0ciated with a f0rum l0g in.. What are y0u g0nna buy 0ff the f0rums?

Pre paid credit cards and debit cards FTW!

y0u CAN fuck me 0ver, but 0nly I say h0w much.

Everyb0dy change y0ur passw0rds, just t0 be 0n the safe side.. And this w0nt be the last time either.

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