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Revision of Cyber war I from Sat, 21/01/2012 - 23:21

As you say they have stopped SOPA, they have taken down As this has been taken down by the government a group called “Anonymous” have given no mercy. On the 19th of January, when megaupload was taken down. This group decided they wanted revenge and weren’t playing nice.


Anon (Otherwise known as Anonymous) are a group hackers, who have retaliated with the downing of Megaupload, well, not so well. As a response to the governments act, they went on a ‘Revenge Spree’
they have taken down Government sites such as;, USDOJ.GOV,,,

After those they have decided to attack major music labels to such as; and

Alot of of infected sites are either completely shut down, or just really really slow.

Russian news service RT claims this is the largest coordinated attack in Anonymous’ history-over 5,600 DDoS zealots blasting at once.

Sites are going down by the hour, I will try and update some more in as it goes but for now,
GF internet. Let the war between Government-People, BEGIN.

Youtube account:

Latest video (explains their revenge):

After seeing this myself I tried the websites. All the government websites are back up. But the major music labels are still down.

Let the Cyber War begin


Fuzz's picture


Legion… I think you’ve figured out why our site is slow!

Microman's picture


I’m glad they’ve come back into the picture :-)

As per my facebook comment

Toothless Tiger. They will just amp the security. Im sure in the big plan of things, there websites being down for a while will not bother them. I really want to support these guys. But they arent really doing all that much if you think about it.

Sha8doW's picture

agree delta

but still, i dont think the FBI, nor the US State Dept appreciate their “shit bing fucked with” so to speak.

they dont need to do much to start a shit storm!

Hashy's picture

Can't stop the signal Mal

Bring on the war. The establishment needs to have drilled into their thick heads that we are NOT their slaves, and in the end we will resist, we will revolt, and we will take back the liberties and freedoms sneakily taken from us while were too busy with our “jobs and video games”.

Oh and I will say this, for the record. Please stop calling groups like Anon “hackers”. This is an insult to true computer crackers and hacker alike. A hacker is somebody paid by a company to do their jobs and maintain network security. A cracker is what the media commonly mislabels as “hackers”.

Hack the planet, and don’t forget to divide by zero.

Sha8doW's picture

Anon does need to be careful here...

Doing “innopropriate” things for not much gain, such as taking down a gov websites just cause they can, they run the risk of losing sit of the purpose of doing such an act…
Furthermore they run the risk of the “over reaction” and the media spin which will attempt to use this to take the focus off of proposed shitty us legislation on to “hackers (sorry hashy if I’ve got the term wrong) evil”, “look what they can do, imagine how safe your credit cards are from these people! They have no concern for the law, your safety, and if they get more power, they’ll become corrupt!” (you’re better with the devil you know spin) – which could turn this into: “approve SOPA and we can control the hackers” (people are dumb, and praying on their fears they could be fooled!)
So while this act got attention, is it the rigt attention? And, are they using the momentum they’ve gained to continue the fight properly, utilizing the increased profile and get the average joe the plumber to lobby their congressman!

Anon’s next target is sony.

Anon’s next target is sony. After the last attack on the sony network by anonymous. He is attacking because Sony supports SOPA.

They should have expected them.


more evidence:

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