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Revision of For some strang reason I can't stop watching this..... from Sat, 17/03/2012 - 12:37

This is from the L4D2 game the other night.


Sha8doW's picture


and no one has heard my AeroSmith action yet


No wonder we lost. You had a Level 87 Bard lifting your spirits between rounds.
Now about these videos, is there any chance that Matt and Shad could upload them again as AVI files rather than wmv ones. I can’t work with the windows media player format :(
Another idea could be that you use movie maker to find all the parts that you think should be highlights and edit out the rest. That way you should be able to choose to produce the final video as an AVI file (I assume this is an option in movie maker) and upload the video with all the boring parts cut out, thus saving internets.

if it is

i cant find out how to do it. When I was doing my bc2 movie i had about 4-5 different was I could save it, but with this one I can’t figure out how to.

Robag's picture

Upload site ready to go

here is the Task i have been woking on 1


Sha8doW's picture


I’ve converted it over to an AVI (but its even larger then the WAV file..)
your better off DLing your end the WAV file and converting it with AVS – A: it will be faster, B:less to Upload for me and DL for you & C: I suck at movie/music editing

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